Bonanza Christmas Raffle - Making it happen!


  It's now open!

After lots of planning, meetings and flyers being designed and circulated  - our selling stall for the raffle was premiered by club member, Bev Yarich who has along with some other members, championed this ambitious project from Design to Launch.

Thanks to Bev, everything was underway on Sunday November 23, 2024 and started with a stand at Narrabeen High School's "Boot Sale".

She reported, "Financially, it was fairly modest, but sufficed to act as a good rehearsal for next weekend at Warringah Mall.

People were keen to go hunting for bargain Christmas presents and tended to walk right past us (with a smile at our amusing aprons!)"

Bev (right) and daughter Nicola(Left) at the stand
"Nevertheless it was fun responding to those who showed interest. I was delighted that the little boy in the picture won the Day Prize - "Hot Wheels" and Teddy Bear  package! His parents had to drag him away when he laid eyes on them!
When l called them, they were eager to come to my house to pick up the prize."
The lesson here was that the hand out mini flyers work!

Warringah Mall (Saturday Nov 30, 2024)

The whole Mall was packed with Black Friday/Cyber Saturday sales and people were everywhere; the place was so packed that in the afternoon motorists were prevented from entering the Mall carparks by the police.

Whilst it wasn’t eye-watering,  the decision to  cancel tomorrow is very right due to customer shopping behaviour over the weekend.


Let’s hope the Balgowlah village (Sat/Sun dec 7 & 8 )is less rushed and Black Friday madness has toned back into more rationalised shopping at Christmas and some level of interest in community


John took a few photos of the setting up at the Mall.


Good selling everyone...



Click on the link below and see the great prizes and ticket purchase options.


Bonanza Christmas raffle 


Spread the word and help a great cause.



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