Changeover 2023

Balgowlah Rotary Changeover Night. Outgoing President Rick Van Brugge summed up the work done by Balgowlah Rotary Club members in 2022-23 and welcomed in the incoming Presidents Roger Gray and Dr Diana Hart OAM. Roger will be president from July to December, Diana will be be from Jan - June 2024. Roger, Diana and Rick Rick has been Club President for the last two years and all appreciated the fine effort he has done and the great work that the club has continued to do. An info pack has been put together detailing the various activities that have been undertaken by each of the separate committees thru the course of the year under quite difficult circumstances – it talks very much to what we have achieved during the year – and I think all members should rightly feel proud of what we have collectively done Rick welcomed members, partners and guests including our Assistant District Governor, and from StreetWork, Dalwood Spilstead, Lifeline NB and Community...