Dr Diana Hart OAM: A Fortunate Life
Diana HART, OAM: A FORTUNATE LIFE On Tuesday September 1, our club speaker was member PP Diana Hart OAM who gave a interesting and inspiring speech entitled A Fortunate Life . Infront of a small Covid compliant audience and on ZOOM to the remaining members, Diana outlined her life which encompassed not only an amazing and busy Medical career but also both leading or being substantially involvement with major Rotary Health projects. “Rotary has proved a great way to make the most of life”: Quote from her life story in the Manly Daily. Diana was born in Sydney and at age 6 moved from Strathfield to Avoca which had a one teacher school. At a young age she became heavily involved local community activities and sport, playing tennis (her father instigated the construction of the court) and ballroom dancing in the Avoca Community Hall. Diane attended PLC Croydon then the leaving certificate year at East Hills Girls High School. Tennis Courts Avoca Community Hall ...