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Tuesday 18th Jan: HAPPY NEW YEAR: At least 13 brave souls did go to the BYO picnic plate under shelter at Clontarf and caught up both socially and Rotary-wise. John O’Brien took some great pictures of the evening and people all enjoyed getting together. Rick outlined a few important things regarding future meetings, and it was agreed that Feb 1 meeting will be via ZOOM only, however Feb 15 will be both live Audience + Zoom since Lifeline will be reporting on the counselling project. The planning for the Golf Day is now at the stage of team formation and is being coordinated by Lindy. SunRun volunteers for Feb 5 (at 5:30AM, yes AM) and the club is reimbursed for our assistance by the organisers. Please contact Lindy if you can help with either. Committee leaders will be contacting members soon to get planning for this half year underway. I will be outlining the Awards night and the requirements and activities at the Feb 1 meeting to encourage...