Youth Night 2022

Our meeting held at Balgowlah RSL on Tuesday April 5 was our Youth night; always a popular meeting. Two students, Lola Merewether and Alexandra Popovic, from Mackellar Girls campus attended the RYPEN camp held via ZOOM over two busy days. They outlined to our members and guests many of the activities that they did at RYPEN. RYPEN is an acronym Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment. Teenagers today benefit greatly from opportunities to develop "life skills" and motivation to help them cope with the challenges of a very competitive society. The club sponsors applicants put forward by the local high schools to attend RYPEN. During an intensive weekend, young people aged approximately 14 to 16 years develop increased motivation, improved life skills, better self-image, pride in themselves and an understanding of setting and achieving goals. A third student, Amanda Cannon also attended RYPEN, however is currently competing at Surf...