StreetWork - Turning vunerable young adults' lives around.

Our guest on Tuesday night was Sonya Mears, the General manager, Transformation and Creative Service for StreetWork Australia. StreetWork is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation that focuses on prevention and early intervention strategies for ‘at risk’ youth (aged 12- 18 years). It supports vulnerable young people overcome their unique challenges and turn their life around. StreetWork was established and has been operating in Chatswood and surrounding Northern Sydney suburbs since 1980. StreetWork also has high presence on the Northern Beaches and has a proven history of positive, tangible results for youth at risk through early intervention programs. Sonya (left) explaining how StreetWork operates on the Northern Beaches Sonya explained that StreetWork aims to help teens troubled by destructive influences and behaviour to turn their lives around through one-on-one mentoring: using a program called KickStart. Kickstart’s earl...