Stroke prevention; Services Presentation & Future Events

Our guest speaker, Graeme Cocks, a volunteer from the Stroke Foundation gave a somewhat hard-hitting talk about stroke. The Stroke Foundation is a national charity that partners with the community to prevent, treat and beat stroke. Graeme explaining that despite being very fit, he had a stroke two years ago Each year nearly 28 thousand people in Australia suffer a stroke; 73% of these being first-ever strokes and 15% of the population are in the danger zone. Stroke is the third most common cause of death in Australia. Stroke is not a disease of the older generation; a third of stroke survivors in Australia are under the age of 65. Graeme outlined that 80% of strokes are preventable and the major risk is high blood pressure. High blood pressure often has no symptoms, so regular check up of blood pressure is very important. High cholesterol, diabetes and common heart disorders can also increase risk and treatment and medication should be taken to reduce it. Smoking and...