The Barbeques are back: Flower Power

The Flower Power Fun Day was held on Sunday March 12 at their Terrey Hills Superstore. Rotary Balgowlah accepted the challenge of cooking about 1,000 sausages (beef, lamb and rosemary, chicken, and vegetable) plus onions (using 55 loaves of bread) and serving soft drinks on the day. Keep them snags moving.... Flower Power provided 2 BBQs, sausages, bread, condiments, soft drinks, coolers for drinks & food, utensils, gloves, dishes for cooked food and paid an honorarium for the club. No cash was involved but our begging bucket and square card payment system was set up for donations. The queues moved steadily and efficiently under the capable hands of Michael Brent, Michael Mead, Lindy Myers and Heather Sare - the morning team, who were then relieved by the afternoon crew of Di Hart, John O’Brien, Sue Terry and Bev Yakich. Sue Terry wrote the following: “Wow.....well done team, that's a wonderf...