It's beginning to feel alot like Christmas

OneMeal gave us 25 Christmas Hampers for Lifeline Northern Beaches . Balgowlah Rotary delivered them the same day, and of course, Lifeline was most grateful. Christmas Hamper assembly at OneMeal In appreciation of this support, Balgowlah Rotary donated $500 to OneMeal. President Di Hart gave four awards from our 2 Donor Funds (Herdegen and Lechner) at Mackellar Girls High school presentation day on Friday Dec 13, 2024. Pip and Di at the Presentation Day Pip Williams was the guest speaker. She is a famous authoress of A Dictionary of Lost Words and she formerly attended Mackellar as a student. AND OUR MONSTER CHRISTMAS RAFFLE It's getting more respectable Day by Day, our face to face encounters at the stand with the Balgowlah Village shopping public is slowly building to a figure that will provide worthwhile funding to our Youth improvement programs. The stand that Bev Yakich designed works so wel...