Changeover 2022-23

A big contrast to last year which had to be held on ZOOM due to Covid restrictions, our Changeover dinner was held at Balgowlah RSL tonight with 28 people attending. President Rick opened the meeting and welcomed members, partners, friends and guests including our new Assistant District Governor and three people from Lifeline Northern Beaches. The venue was ideal and the two-course meal very enjoyable - here is some of the happy diners. Photos courtesy John O'Brien - always good ones! The official part: Our new ADG Rick introduced John Campbell, our new Assistant District Governor – Beaches. John first explained he was a long standing local to Manly and the region having spent many years growing up and living in the area prior to moving to Blackheath. Welcome John Campbell - Our ADG Beaches 2022-23 John then outlined the rationale behind the 2022-23 Rotary International theme and logo. Inco...