Changeover 2022-23

A big contrast to last year which had to be held on ZOOM due to Covid restrictions, our Changeover dinner was held at Balgowlah RSL tonight with 28 people attending.


President Rick opened the meeting and welcomed members, partners, friends and guests including our new Assistant District Governor and three people from Lifeline Northern Beaches.

The venue was ideal and the two-course meal  very enjoyable - here is some of the happy diners.

Photos courtesy John O'Brien - always good ones!

The official part:

Our new ADG


Rick introduced John Campbell, our new Assistant District Governor – Beaches. John first explained he was a long standing local to Manly and the region having spent many years growing up and living in the area prior to moving to Blackheath.


Welcome John Campbell - Our ADG Beaches 2022-23

John then outlined the rationale behind the 2022-23 Rotary International theme and logo. 


Incoming International President Jennifer Jones is a member of the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada and urges people to dream big and harness their connections and the power of Rotary to turn those dreams into reality.


Rotary International Logo 2022-23

As Rotary International's first female president, Jennifer announced that the 2002 -23 theme and logo is inspired by the Aboriginal culture and was designed by Australian aboriginal artist Riki Salam. He also created the logo for 2023 Rotary International Convention which will be held in Melbourne. 

The circle is representative of the interdependence of all forms of life.  There are seven for our Seven Areas of Focus. 

The line represents the digging stick, used for farming/work. It also represents the horizon and the seven dots a guiding star. The circle of dots also represents sharing of ideas and expertise; working together and collaborating.

Jennifer's colours are purple, green and white... a subtle nod to the women's movement.




John then outlined the 3 simple things that District are setting about achieving – working together, look after each other, and having fun doing it. The club naturally has projects and causes  but not necessarily formulated by District rather ones of their own stragegy and objectives.


Rick thanked John, who even before his appointment has helped with club with the evening with Dr Ray Hodgson talk at combined clubs meeting and more recently assisting at our club’s car rally.


Welcome 3 new club members:

 Three new members were inducted into the club:

·      Heather Sare

·      Margo Bavington

·      Pascal Grant 

We all warmly congratulate and welcome Heather, Margo and Pascal.  We know that their joining will provide the club with new ideas and enthusiasm plus trust that they will find that their Rotary service is both meaningful and rewarding, whilst enjoying good fellowship with our members.


Our latest club members Margo, Heather and Pascal with President Rick











Paul Harris Fellows

Rick explained that following consultation with two other members, a Paul Harris Fellowship award (PHF) is being awarded to two members who have significantly contributed to move the club to a higher level than where it would currently stand, and to help change the path of the club and attain the key objectives of club improvement and effectiveness. Moreover, this was done during a year with health limitations imposing significant difficulties on club activities.


Paul Harris was the founder of the first Rotary club in Chicago in 1905.

A PHF recipient has done something significant for others – via their service to the club or the community. Sine both recipients are already Paul Harris Fellows (PHF) they now will advance to PHF sapphire level.


Bev Yarich:  Despite many obstacles, the Return and Earn project (Recycle for Rotary) was conceived then championed and managed by Bev. Having convinced the Northern Beaches mayor to contribute a number of large wheelie bins then negotiate with NRMA Narrabeen campsite and RAT Park as collection sites. Then Bev organised member rooster of volunteers to consolidate the bottles and cans into bags, then she arranged a collection agency to transport them to a recycle facility in Lane Cove. Almost $5,000 has been generated and donated to StreetWork; a not-for-profit charity for prevention and intervention of troubled and at-risk young people help them to turn their lives around.  


Bev’s passion and level of commitment to this project has been instrumental to its ultimate success. Due to complexity of the logistics required, the project is now on hold.


 Michael Mead: Our club blog which is essentially an on-line version of the Bally Barker was conceptualised, formatted by Michael and has been published for almost 2 years: a new post is published following every club meeting or activity.


Having a high-quality communication strategy is a key element of the club’s strategy.  Our club blog, along with Facebook and the website, helps to increase our awareness; provides a fresh and newsworthy approach to both the club’s events and achievements plus it givs important added value to all the photos (courtesy of PP John O’Brien) that show the club’s activities and accomplishments.


Left to right: Michael Mead, John Campbell, Bev Yarich, Rick Van Brugge


Presidental Award:

This award is given to a member who is always available, makes the extra effort and works tirelessly for the club - even in her role as club Secretary and heading up the fundraising team.. 

The plaque has many key contributors to the club and is this year’s award will go to Lindy Myers, who has worked diligently a number of important aspects and issues for the club. She does far more than expected in her role  as club Secretary and heading up the fundraising team..


Lindy couldn't be at the meeting - she was skiing..

Rick added two special mentions:

John O’Brien who works had and behind the scenes getting those important photos for Facebook, the blog and website. John has very dedicatedly and professionally been club photographer for many years.


We rarely see John in our photos since it is his camera - but he let me use it on this occasion. John next to his tile  - Warrant officer Photographer, Royal Australian Navy- on the Avenue of Honour, Memorial Walk at North Head.

Hang Yin, a social media volunteer and student who has helped enormously to get our Facebook page more relevant, interesting, and effective. Her efforts with our Facebook page, especially increasing the awareness of our fund raising events have been striking.

Hang working with us on our Facebook page

The year that was.. 


The President's and Team leader's written reports were distributed on the night. The amount of activity that the club has collectively done in the last 12 months is very commendable, especially with the operations and activities curtailed during the period. The achievements have been made collectively is something we should proud.

 All Reports can be read here


The 2022-23 

Committee Structure:

The committees and their membership are as follows:

Rick will continue as our President (until a replacement comes forward). Thank you Rick!

The structure is to allow the members to make the decisions and the Board ratify them. This makes the members more involved and empowered.

Strategy; Rick outlined that the 3 key fundamental strategies developed for 2021-22 that are possibly relevant for 2022-23

  • ·      Increase our impact
  • ·      Increase our membership
  • ·      Improve our awareness

To allow those activities that are occurring in the next few months to occur without interference, a club assembly is planned for September where the members decide what we want to focus on and develop our future business plan. 

Again welcome to our 3 new members : Margo, Pascal and Heather

Left to right: ADG John Campbell, Barbara Stennhouse (Lifeline NB), Wendy Finianos (Lifeline NB), President Rick, Donna Favaloro (Lifeline NB)
All in all a great evening, enjoyed very much by all. Well done Rick and the team!


Vale Pam Colless (1931 – 2022)

A service of celebration for the life of Pam Colless was held at St Matthew’s Church, Manly on Friday July 15, 2020. Her 3 children and 6 grandchildren all spoke of the wonderful and joyful time she spent with them. Pam maintained long lasting friendships with so many people over the years, including Rotary Balgowlah. Several longer standing club members and partners attended the service.


Ian North, president of Balgowlah Rotary 92-93, told the congregation how her late husband John was a very active club member and Pam would always help with many club fundraisers and projects – especially the John Colless Country City Student Exchange Project and ‘Follow your Dream’ Awards. After John died Pam was made an Honorary club member and regularly attended club meetings and functions along with Di Burge and Roz Horsley for many years until moving in a nursing home in 2020.


Pam was always bright and the life of the party, always cared for others and gave support and gave encouragement to everyone she met – we are lucky to have known her and smile whenever recounting our memories.



 Rock and Roll Night: Saturday July 30

Pittwater RSL, Mona Vale @ 7pm for 7:30

It should be a great night. Why not get a table together and join in the fun.

If distance is a worry, why not carpool with some friends.

Please spread the word about the event to family, friends, neighbours and anyone who likes Rock and Roll.

The flyer below has all the info. Why not have dinner before in the Bistro (Booking advisable)

A night to have fun and help Rotary Balgowlah Charity Projects at the same time. What's not to like!!




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