ShelterBox: Rotary's First Response.

Our meeting held on Tuesday May 4, 2023, was an inspiring presentation given by Mike Greenslade, CEO ShelterBox Australia. Mike was introduced by club member Yvonne Howie, who is on the Board of ShelterBox Australia. The presentation was via ZOOM since Mike lives on the North Coast of NSW. ShelterBox is a disaster relief operation - Mike explained he has been a ShelterBox Response Team member since 2006 and has deployed 22 times to disaster zones around the world. A short video: Mike said the response in Australia to the earthquake in Turkey/ Syria raised $700 thousand and is in the top 3 countries following USA and UK. The nature of the response was outlined in the video by Mark Austin. ShelterBox started in UK in 2000 as a large plastic box containing a tent, blankets, kitchen set, solar lights, toolkit, children’s activities and has been sent to 44 different countries over the world. ...