North Head Walk
After heavy rain the night before, the sky was clear and the sun was shining: a perfect morning for a walk! Sue Terry, our Minister for fun who arranges and manages so many great activities for the club arranged for 8 of us to meet at 9am in the car park behind the Bella Vista cafĂ© at North Head. We then walked along the Avenue of Honour – our Australian servicemen and women have been remembered, their names, service information & rank placed on a paver beautifully arranged with large stone pavers, from their battalions or areas of service. Along the path there are information stations with information about our wars and conflicts. The stations, made from Sydney sandstone and in excellent condition. The Colonial Era station Moments like these makes one so proud to be Australian and respect the dedication and sacrifices that so many brave people have made to allow us our freedom. It is a beautifully ...