Our 50-year Anniversary & Changeover

Tonight, the Rotary Club of Balgowlah celebrated our 50-year anniversary and changeover evening to launch our 51st year. An audience of over 80 people attended and had a great night hearing the history and many achievements of the club and its members. A number of awards were made and President Roger Gray passed over the presidential chain to Dr Diana Hart - our incoming president for 2024-25.

The global President of Rotary,  Gordon R. McInally sent a letter to the club congratulating it on the 50 years of Rotary service.

President Roger Gray opened the evening and then warmly welcomed our Charter member and past president John Havilah who recounted the early years and how 24 members were present at the Dual Charter Night at Chatswood Civic Centre on Wednesday June 19, 1974.

John Havilah - Charter member

"Meetings were held in the Wakehurst Golf Club and the club was busy creating banners, road signs, letterheads and the club Bulletin was produced with a cover in yellow showing the Litchfield impression of Dalwood Homes old building".

John organised the first fund raiser - a BBQ at Bareena, Park Tennis Club. The club's first International Project was the sponsoring of a boy in New Guinea for a two-year trade course. The club became involved with RYLA and attended and assisted at the Dalwood Fete as well as contributing to the Darwin Cyclone Appeal. 

The next 30 years

PP Malcolm Bush AM
PP Malcolm Bush AM outlined the next few years of the club including his presidential year where an amazing undertaking was to build a large viewing stand for spectators on Tania Park to view the first fleet replica ships entering Sydney harbour - a part of the Bicentennial celebrations in1988. Police & council estimated that 32,000 visitors & local residents attended and over $30,000 was raised for Rotary charities after costs. Under regulations operating today, such an undertaking would have possibly never happened.

 Key Events in club history

Dr Diana Hart OAM gave a great summary of the myriad of club activities - especially International projects. Diana herself had personally worked on polio immunisation in India, Rotarians against Malaria in PNG, cleft lip and palette programs in Nepal. Our supporting the first school bus at St Jude's school in Tanzania and group study exchange was explained. 

Diana also outlined the club's efforts with obtaining a district grant for an ultrasound machine for use in remote areas of Nepal, Bowelscan, and raising money for ShelterBox.

Dr Diana Hart OAM

Several positive changes to the conduct of club were also pointed out - including holding only two formal meetings per month plus formation of sub committees that work out the details for club projects which greatly streamlines our meetings.

The Panel: 

 PP David Stewart-Hunter was the moderator for our panel of charities comprising of:

  • Lifeline Northern Beaches (Barbara Stenhouse)
  • Bear Cottage (Bronwen Simmons)
  • OneMeal (Kim Williams)
  • StreetWork (Philip Loveday)
  • LocalKind(Daniel Fields)
left to right: Philip Loveday, Barbara Stenhouse, Daniel Fields, Kim Williams, Bronwen Simmons, David Stewart-Hunter.
All the panelists spoke about their operations and how Rotary Balgowlah had assisted or sponsored a number of their activities and /or provided volunteers to various aspects of their operations. The large amount of inter-cooperation and referrals between the charities was most evident. 
Unfortunately Kerry Gwynne from Dalwood Spilstead Services and Stephanie Hopkins from Arranounbai school were unable to attend.
After the panel discussion, Adele Heasman, personal assistant to James Griffin, State member for Manly, read James's touching Community Recognition Statement to Parliament about Balgowlah Rotary club and its various achievements over the last 50 years.  
A framed copy will be formally presented to the club presidents next Tuesday at his Manly office.

Presentation of Awards: 
The amazing contribution to the club and level of support to many Rotary programs given by the late Alois Lechner was outlined by President Roger Gray.
Nigi and Alois Lechner

Alois' contribution to Rotary Health was acknowledged by Australian Rotary Health and a Gold Contributor certificate was presented by DGN John Campbell to Alois' family; represented by son in law Robin Yandle and grandson Elliot. Unfortunately Nigi is in hospital.

A Paul Harris fellowship (Sapphire level) was also awarded due to his outstanding level of support to the club over the years.

Left to right: Robin Yandle, DGN John Campbell, Elliot Yandle.

PHF (Sapphire) to John O'Brien
John joined the club in March 2006 and was Foundation Chair from 2021 - 2023 and President in 2029-2020. His support for all our projects and inviting the club to HMAS Penguin during his time in the RAN was appreciated by all members and his ability as club photographer over so many years is widely acknowledged.  John was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship (PHF) in 2021 and now moves to the next tier, PHF Sapphire. 
President Roger Gray, Awardee John O'Brien, DGN John Campbell

John Havilah - Recognition of Service
A letter from the global president of Rotary International was presented to John Havilah for his 50 years of service to Rotary and continued support of Rotary Balgowlah.
President Roger, John Havilah & DGN John Campbell.

Congratulations to the Club 50 years of service
One final presentation to the club and its members - honouring 50 years of service.

President's Awards 2023-24

This annual award was made to Warwick Waddell, who in the brief time he has been with the club (less than 6 months) has assisted and championed with many activities and events - especially the Golf day. Warwick is currently overseas.

Changeover 2024-25 

President Roger thanked the Board and members for their great efforts during the last year and recounted the many fine achievements over that time. He then passed the chain to Dr Diana Hart.

Dr Diane Hart  then announcing the Board members for 2024-25 and outlined how everyone in our club contributes in their own way and are allocated to an area of their interest such as membership, fundraising or services. Each group reports to the club as a whole and ideas are signed off by the Board. 

"Many members have worked tirelessly over the last year under Roger Gray's stewardship to make the club the great club that it is today and I thank them for all their efforts and look forward to working with them during the next Rotary Year."


A toast to the Club and the cake

DGN John Campbell toasted the club on its 50 years and may the next 50 be as successful as the last.

President Diana Hart and John Havilah cut our Birthday Cake.   

President's Photo:

Left to right: (Standing) Michael Mead, Malcolm Woolford, Colin Wayling, Rick Van Brugge, Ian Grayburn, John Havilah, Daryl Alexander, David Stewart-Hunter, John Stewart, John O'Brien (Seated): Malcolm Bush, Roger Gray, Diana Hart, Lindy Myers, Tony Hill.

A number of people said "What a night!". There was so much they learnt about the club and what it has done and is now doing. The Panel was a real highlight and they were impressed how the club manages to provide such valuable and worthwhile support and encouragement to so many organisations in our community. 

 Thanks to Liz McDougall (Warringah club) for all the photos on the night!




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