Our 3rd Car Rally plus Community Recognition Statement Presentation

After days of flooding rain, our third car rally – Balgowlah Rotary’s Charity Cars n Clues Rally was held on a grey and windy Sunday June 23rd. Once again, the organising committee had a very interesting route and questions about the sites and places the rally went.

A total of 27 cars were entered and over 60 adults and children joined in the fun and learnt more about places on the Northern Beaches.

Thanks to our club photographer, John O’Brien, we have some great pictures of the fun on the day.

It started and finished at JJ Melbourne Memorial Park, Terrey Hills:

Robert Exner and Michael Brent ensured that people could find us

Cars stared arriving at about 10 am and confirmed entry details before starting off.

The occasional sunny spell and smiling faces - even Lindy's neighbour (another Lindy) helped.

Our four footed competitor



President Diana and Lindy, our event organiser, marked the entries

Michael looked after the finances

Sahil looked after the important part - the barbeque.

The bubble maker was a hit with the children.

Paul assisted Sahil.

Results tba..... 

Community Recognition Statement Presentation

On Tuesday June 25, 2024, President Dr Diana Hart, Immediate Past President Roger Gray and Secretary Michael Mead when to the office the Hon James Griffin M.P., Member for Manly.

They were presented with a framed copy of the Community Recognition Statement signed by James and read to Parliament on May 9, 2024. 

Left to Right, Michael Mead, Pres Diana Hart, Hon. James Griffin, PP Roger Gray.

This statement was read by James Griffin's PA , Adele Heasman at the club's 50th and Changeover evening on Wednesday 19th June 2024.

Coming up

Tuesday July 2 a special dinner meeting - booking essential!






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