An opporunity to help Dalwood Spilstead.


Roger Gray and Michael Mead met with Kerry Gywnn, Program Manager of Dalwood Spilstead Services in Seaforth.


The centre and Kerry’s work has received world-wide acclaim for the programs that provide multidisciplinary health, education, and support services for vulnerable families, who are in stress or experiencing difficulties in the care and parenting of their children in the early years. 


Two amazing programs for children, Child's Play and Young and Needy are both given support by Rotary Balgowlah (both were initiated by our club years ago).


Kerry needs our help with a range of volunteer roles:


·      Driving to/from Chatswood area

Transporting children & family members in the Spilstead 8-seater bus/van.


·      Administration

Helping in the office with jobs like photocopying, laminating and binding.


·      Teaching

Tutoring after school and helping teachers during the day.


·      Preschool Volunteer

Assisting with activities and programs run by the centre working in a small team of volunteers and provide adult support for children.


Close support from Spilstead services staff with ongoing workshops and training being provided with Teaching and Preschool positions. You will be working alongside the dedicated and committed team at Dalwood. and ongoing training.


Please contact Roger to arrange a meeting with Kerry, who will fully outline requirements and responsibilities.


President Rick presenting Kerry the children's gifts at our Christmas party

Kerry discussing the work of Dalwood Spilstead Service



A Unique Service Helping Families with Young Children


The Dalwood Spilstead Early Years Intervention and Support Service functions as a collaborative project between Northern Sydney Local Health District and the Spilstead Charitable Trusts. It is managed as a tertiary unit of the NSLHD Child Youth and Family Health Service.


An early intervention model of service delivery based on neuro-developmental research is utilised incorporating strengths-based, family centred and child focused services.

The Dalwood Spilstead Model is unique in its ability to provide a holistic and integrated approach to the needs of vulnerable families and “at risk” children. All services for both parents and children are provided under one service umbrella and from the one team. This enables maximum engagement with families and ensures optimal co-ordination and consistency of service delivery.


95% of brain development occurs in the first 5 years! Children from vulnerable and stressed families are at risk of attention, language, learning and behavioural problems. These children can later experience school failure, social difficulties and ant-social behaviour.

Research has clearly shown, however, that if families are supported and children receive intensive early intervention services these problems can be alleviated. The Dalwood Spilstead Service provides a unique program which is internationally renowned for its work in assisting these children and their families.

Award winner:


The innovative "Spilstead Model of Early Intervention for Children At Risk" received the NSW Health Award in Primary and Community Care for 2011.

The service is currently available to 90 families, with all families being offered access to an extensive range of programs from which they can design their own service plan.



NOTE: The club is planning a visit to the Centre in OCT - NOV 2023. 


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