DG Visit to our Club 2023
Our meeting with District Governor 2022-23, Mina Howard, was held at Totem Club on Tuesday February 21. John Campbell, our Assistant District Governor, Beaches, also attended. The meeting was most productive and came up with feedback on issues and valuable suggestions being put forward.
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ADG, Beaches John Campbell, DG Mina Howard and Club Presdient, Rick van Brugge |
President Rick discussed the performance of the club and the background to the development of the club strategic plan.
The vision of the Rotary Balgowlah (and RI):
“Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.”
Our key objectives that came about from the strategic planning process in the club are still as follows:
* #1 – Increase our Impact.
* #2 – Increase Membership.
* #3 – Improve Awareness.
Our key items of focus:
- Maintaining a balance between our youth, community, and international support, especially given the ever-increasing demand for humanitarian aid.
- Provide more "hands-on" support, so reducing demands from fundraising and increasing visibility?
3. Gaining recognition for what we do in the community and its impact on membership and fundraising.
4. Avoid spreading ourselves too thinly?
In explaining the Structure, Governance, and Operations the 4 committees (Services, Membership, Fundraising and Communications) were outlined and that they cover all the avenues of service with all members belonging to at least one committee. Any proposal is first discussed by the relevant committee, then presented to all members at a meeting with recommendations for discussions and voting. Once it has received approval from the meeting, the Board (of only 5 members) will ratify the decision. This ensures full involvement of all members in all decision making; especially our projects and their rationale.
After each of the 4 Committee team leaders presented the operations on each committee and their performance, several key Challenges and Opportunities were discussed:
- Summer RYPEN coordination & communication was quite poor & needs to be improved with possibly more resources being allocated.
2. We have struggled to understand some of the decisions with respect to District grants & what is & isn’t in scope e.g. Lifeline counselling support. Timing of grant applications out of step with changeover.
- General fund limitations restrict ability for clubs to invest in badly needed infrastructure & fund social media awareness campaigns.
- How do we share best practice communication strategies especially when trying to engage with & broaden our connection with the local community- particularly across the various demographic groups?
5. How do we continue to ensure we are relevant to people who are community minded and use language that articulates the benefits that Rotary produces in our community.
DG Mina thanked Rick and the team leaders for their work information about the club and its performance. Mina said that she was impressed by the strategic thinking and our facing issues like ageing membership. She said that the regionalisation pilot in our region will allow greater visibility especially with local business and organisations rather than the current 20 separate districts setup. The club experience is naturally still very important but the ability to speak with one voice in the county will possibly heighten awareness and impact.
Mina then explained the RI Logo for 2022-23:
As Rotary International's first female president, Jennifer Jones announced that the 2002 -23 theme and logo is inspired by the Aboriginal culture and was designed by Australian aboriginal artist Riki Salam. He also created the logo for 2023 Rotary International Convention which will be held in Melbourne.
The circle is representative of the interdependence of all forms of life. There are seven for our Seven Areas of Focus.
The line represents the digging stick, used for farming/work. It also represents the horizon and the seven dots a guiding star. The circle of dots also represents sharing of ideas and expertise, working together and collaborating.
Jennifer's colours are purple, green and white... a subtle nod to the women's movement.
The Aboriginal art theme ties in with the RI Global Convention being held this year in Australia - from Sat May 27 to Wed 31, 2023 in Melbourne.
Likes and Dislikes – maintaining members.
Returning to membership Mina reported that a RI survey has found that have the following likes with their club; friendship and fellowship, guest speakers especially who talk about new things, and the provision of opportunities for involvement in local community (projects).
Dislikes included weak or unresponsive leadership; irrelevant or uninteresting guest speakers; poor time management of meetings, and rituals (e.g., grace, anthems or similar – even possibly welcome to country at every meeting); and a lack of diversity in people and ideas. Frequently, unless the dislikes are addressed, they are possible barriers to joining a club. Conducting a club survey (e.g., one like on a sheet of paper and one dislike on another) will bring out the specifics with an individual club.
Moreover, the reasons for not staying with a club are also important must be explored (and avoiding new members leaving in the first 2 years). Reasons often given include not resolving or addressing conflict or people being uncomfortable with club culture. Often such members state that they will not then invite members to their club.
Mina pointed out that Barbara Mifsud, Regional Membership Officer at Rotary International is a key District contact regarding membership has 4 key things to tell any club (all avail on the website):
· Put members first. (Even fireside-chats; asking ‘what do you want to do’)
· Provide meaningful service. (The OneMeal operation is a case in point)
· Be flexible (be prepared to change)
· Embrace diversity.
Getting Ideas from other clubs:
Hearing or reading stories is often a very convincing and pragmatic way to get the ideas for one’s club. Many examples were outlined for invigorating a club using areas of possible involvement.
· My Rotary website
· Publications like RDU.
· inviting District representatives of key Rotary organisations and action groups (Rotary Health, Rotary based organisations like ROMAC, ShelterBox, RAWCS, Peace, against slavery, malaria, addition prevention, water, community development, menstrual health and hygiene, books, etc) to present at meetings.
The meeting thanked DG Mina Howard and ADG John Campbell for their most productive visit, inputs and ideas.
A well-deserved award – Paul Harris Double Sapphire
PP Tony Hill PHF Sapphire was presented with a Paul Harris Double sapphire pin at the meeting.
“It is with great pleasure that we award Tony Hill with his Double-Sapphire Paul Harris Fellowship pin in for his contribution to Rotary Foundation and Rotary Balgowlah.” Said President Rick and ADG John at the meeting.
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Mina & Tony with his Double Sapphire PHF pin |
Tony Hill joined the Rotary Club of Balgowlah in September 1994. More precisely he quietly and unassumingly slipped in and began working. On joining the club, Tony immediately immersed himself into Rotary and the club activities and purpose very willingly. With the exception of Treasurer, he has through the years been a Director in all the other avenues of service in the club. Tony to us exemplifies the ideals of Rotary, of ‘Service above Self’.
Tony rapidly became a driving force with the club’s largest fundraising activity, the Memorial Golf Day, and has remained a key member of the Golf Day committee ever since.
Tony was Club President in 1997-1998, the year when the international motto was ‘Show Rotary Cares’. The club held a very successful 10th Memorial Golf Day in that year together with other fundraisers such as a Christmas stocking, Red Shield appeal, a Melbourne Cup party with Freshwater Rotary and highly successful Market Day at Balgowlah Boys High School. Youth projects and an exchange student were also undertaken.
Tony then served as Community Service Director for a couple of years however for many years Tony has very ably and willingly performed the role of Club Service and Administration and is our longest serving Club Service Director. In this role he has reliably and professionally planned, organised and managed our club meetings, menus and guest speakers, club programs including Dine Outs, formal meetings with great speakers & informal meetings to encourage social activities and fellowship as well as Club Board meetings.
It is Tony’s knowledge, consistent reliability and strong sense of purpose together with a great eye for detail that makes any President’s year so much easier and able to focus. He is a real inspiration to newer and older members alike.
Under Tony’s guidance, the satisfaction and fulfillment of meetings and programs to our members happens. By putting the club and members first he ensures that every member feels and is included.
But it hasn’t been all community service, Tony and Enid are keen travellers, great golfers and very active in Manly Probus where his organisational still were utilised running their golfers’ group.
Tony, all club members are grateful for the special skills, energy and commitment that you bring the club, and it is our honour and pleasure to recognize you as a Paul Harris Fellow with Double- Sapphire.
Vale: John Salvage
It is with sadness we were notified of the passing of John Salvage. John joined Rotary Balgowlah in June 1998 and left retired from Rotary in 2012.
Tony Hill told the meeting that knew John well, in addition to being a member of the club, since they both were in allied activities in the printing industry when John set up a Flex Packaging manufacturing plant in Brookvale.
John was a keen Rotarian and attended the Rotary International Convention with some other club members in Buenos Aires, Argentina in June 2000.
John’s time at the club is always remembered as the Sergeant at Arms where he would perform a surprising level research into the activities of club members and provide humour and fun with stories and anecdotes.
My personal experience with applying to join Rotary Balgowlah soon after we moved to the Northern Beaches was being made very welcome and involved with the club from the onset.
I made application to join Rotary by responding to a flyer that was in Balgowlah RSL newsletter. John rang me and talked about Rotary then called to the house within an hour with an armload of information and copies of Rotary down under.
Later that week he drove me to the St Ives HONDA driver training facility to witness the activities and program with students from Balgowlah Boys High at RYDA- Rotary Youth Driver Awareness.
John insisted to pick me up to attend the meetings before I became a member and ensured, along with Malcolm Bush and Daryl Alexander, that I got to know all members at each meeting. Within a few months, John had introduced me to staff contacts at the schools we support and involved me with all the activities and execution of the club Youth program then had me ready for becoming Youth Director at the AGM.
It is Rotarians like John Salvage that makes our club special, and he will be greatly missed.
Michael Mead
Dalwood Jumble Sale Sat 25th Feb
At last a jumble sale, the last one was held on Feb 15, 2020. So 3 years later a Rotray crew help the members Dalwood Auxiliary on the day.
The crowd was eager and John O'Brien captured some great photos of the day.
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Barbecue experts: Graham Lane, Daryl Alexander and John O'Brien |
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Another happy customer- Tony Hill (left) and John Darragh (right) |
Tony |
Rhonda and Lindy |
Rick ensured every was doing their job |
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Just how many does it take to pack up a sun shade - Michael struggled and didn't follow simple logic |
Stop press: Dalwood Spilstead Sale Result:
Hi everyone - John (Darragh) advised that total sales was $20,884.
Well done everyone and thanks to those who supported the jumble sale.
Rick van Brugge
Formal Meeting March 7th, 2023 (Tuesday)
Balgowlah Rotary Club Meeting
Balgowlah RSL Wine Room - this will be a dinner meeting from 6pm (No ZOOM will be available) - Visitors welcome.
Cost of meal- $40 - prior booking essential - please contact Tony Hill
Speaker - Gabriel Radzyminski - Sandon Capital Founder, CIO & Portfolio Manager.
As the founder of Sandon Capital in 2008, Gabriel has been involved in the financial services sector for more than 25 years. Gabriel is Chairman of Sandon Capital Investments Limited (ASX: SNC). He is a non-executive director of Future Generation Investment Company Limited (ASX: FGX). From time to time he takes on Board positions as part of Sandon Capital’s engagements. Gabriel has a BA(Hons) and M.Comm both from the University of New South Wales.
Conference Rotary District 9685 March 17-19th, 2023 (Friday – Sunday.)
Rotary District 9685 Conference.
Next year's conference will be in Cowra NSW.
Book early to avoid disappointment.
Formal Meeting March 21st, 2023 (Tuesday)
Balgowlah Rotary Club Meeting
Balgowlah RSL Wine Room from 7pm and via Zoom
Speaker - Tony Butera from the Upper Northern Beaches club presenting on the very successful membership growth strategies that he has implemented at the club.
Formal Meeting April 4th, 2023 (Tuesday)
Balgowlah Rotary Club Meeting
Balgowlah RSL Wine Room from 7pm and via Zoom
Dinner available in Bistro from 6 pm
Formal Meeting April 18th, 2023 (Tuesday)
Balgowlah Rotary Club Meeting
Balgowlah RSL Wine Room from 7pm and via Zoom
Dinner available in Bistro from 6 pm
Vocational & Community Awards May 2nd, 2023. (Tuesday)
Balgowlah RSL Wine Room - details to be confirmed.
Formal Meeting May 16th, 2023. (Tueasday)
Balgowlah Rotary Club Meeting
Balgowlah RSL Wine Room from 7pm and via Zoom
Dinner available in Bistro from 6 pm
Rotary International Convention May 27-31st 2023. (Tuesday)
Rotary International Convention in Melbourne.
Meet Rotarians form all over the world.
This is where the Rotary world comes together to exchange ideas, share project successes, and have fun!
Save the date.
Formal Meeting June 6th, 2023. (Tuesday)
Balgowlah Rotary Club Meeting
Balgowlah RSL Wine Room from 7pm and via Zoom
Dinner available in Bistro from 6 pm
Changeover June 20th, 2023. (Tuesday)
Balgowlah RSL Wine Room - details to be confirmed.
Finally the debt crisis in the Arctic:
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