Nov/Dec 2022

Our final post for 2022 includes goings on for the last 2 months since yours truly was away in Antarctica in October and November plus family activities precluded my attending club functions in Nov/Dec.

Thank you to all the members who have supplied the storylines - especially John O'Brien, who provides all the great photos.

Election of Club Officers for 2023-24

Our Annual general meeting was held November 29, 2022, via ZOOM.

The following members were elected to the positions outlined:


President (for 2023/2024)          Roger Gray July- Dec 23; Diana Hart Jan-June 24                                

President Elect (for 2024/2025) TBA

Past President                                Rick Van Brugge (will continue until 30/6/2023)

Secretary                                         Michael Mead

Treasurer                                         Michael Brent

Club Services Director                   Tony Hill

Public Officer                                  Paul Apps


Other roles

Services Committee

·       Team Leader                                  TBA

·       Youth Service                                 Pascal Grant, Robert Exner,

                                                         Ian Grayburn

·       International                                  TBD

·       Foundation                                     John O’Brien, Rhonda

Membership Committee

·       Team Leader                                 Sue Terry

·       Speaker Program.                         Paul O’Brien, Paul Apps

Minister for Fun                              Sue Terry & Heather Sare*

                                                           (*when avail)

Fundraising Committee

·       Team Leader                                  Lindy Myers

·  Team members.                                Paul Apps, Yvonne Howie,

                                                       John O’Brien

(+ Other members depending on occasion)

Communications Committee

·       Team Leader                                  TBA

·       Bally Barker Blog                           Michael Mead

·       Social Media                                   Rick van Brugge/Lindy Myers/


Congratulations to all the members who have volunteered to serve our club and maintain its momentum. We all wish President elect (and past President) Roger and all club officers and committee members every success!

It also must be pointed out that Rick will have been President for two years until next July and he and all the members of the various positions and committees that served have performed exceptionally despite the frequent disruptions and uncertainty due to Covid. for much of that period. Thank you for your drive, diligence, and motivation.

Remembrance Day 2022

 Rhonda Scotter reports:

 “It was a very emotional service - at Manly Corso with very many people there.

 A Scotsman played the bagpipes, a young lady sang and played her accordion with soldiers looking very respectful as they stood by the memorial. So many people walked the red carpet to lay wreaths and to give donations. Then a bugler played the Last Post which was such a moving end to the ceremony.

 I was very fortunate to represent Balgowlah Rotary.”

 Thank you, Rhonda!

 Our Christmas 2022 Celebration.

Tuesday December 6, 2022

A buffet meal served in the wine room at Balgowlah RSL club and was very much enjoyed by members, partners, and guests.


Sue, Paul and Joy

Pascal and Diane
Roger, Helen and Sue at the gifts table

Helen and Roger

OneMeal (Their Christmas Party was held at same time)

Roger Gray reports:
Helen and I attended the early part of the OneMeal Christmas Party yesterday evening, before moving on to our own. I took the opportunity to speak with Kim Williams about the Lifeline request and he took just a couple of milliseconds to say "yes" and suggest we collect 20 hampers next Monday. 12th December. My offer to pay was instantly rejected. However, I have since spoken again with Kim and he would be most appreciative of a donation from our club and has given me the bank account details which I will pass on to our treasurer, Paul.  
The next question is just how much we will donate. They will be simple food hampers to which we, as a club may add a couple of christmas goodies (bon-bons. etc). Last evening I spoke with Sarah Watts-Smith (acting LLNB CEO whilst David is on extended leave). advising the progress with OneMeal and that the hampers would be delivered (date/time tba) next week.
Subsequently a $500 donation will be given to OneMeal from the club.

Lindy, Sue and Tony

Paul and Rick wrestle with square payment app

Special guests included Sarah Watts-Smith from Lifeline NB, Kerry Gwynne, manager Spilstead services, Jane Vincent, chairperson of the StreetWork Northern Beaches Local Board (and Police Advocate of StreetWork Aust) and Phillip Loveday - also a member of the StreetWork Board. Jane was a recipient of our Community Service award earlier in the year.

Sarah Watts-Smith, President Rick, Kerry Gwynne, Jane Vincent and Phillip Loveday

In addition to the festivities, many members donated toys and gifts to assist Kerry’s work in a club funded intuitive – a program called Young and Needy.

Kerry kindly supplied the following outline of her talk about the program:

“The Young and Needy program was established in 2010 as the brainchild of Mr Roger Gray, Rotary Club of Balgowlah, to assist local families who are in financial stress and struggling to afford school uniforms and after school activities for their school aged children. The cost of raising children has escalated over the years for all families and can be overwhelming for families referred to the Dalwood Spilstead Service who are living on only Centrelink benefits.

Since its inception the project has supported over 600 children in the primary school years. Hundreds of children who would have otherwise never had a new school uniform have been kitted out with one set of brand-new uniforms at the start of their school career.

Many other children have been funded to attend school excursions, swimming lessons and after school activities such as music lessons, martial arts lessons, and sporting programs. One talented boy at Dee Why public school was funded to compete in a chess tournament and another child who successfully auditioned for a national woodwind orchestra was funded to join the orchestra for 2 years.

These children would not have had these opportunities if not for the Young and Needy program."

Thank you, Kerry, and all who attended! 

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas

a very Happy and safe New Year


Local Community Event in Balgowlah

On Dec 7, a small group of Balgowlah Rotarians managing the sausage sizzle for the grand opening of Cincotta Chemist in Sydney Road, Balgowlah.


Many people stopped to avail themselves of the offerings which gave club members a good opportunity to talk directly to community members about our club, the many facets of community service in which we participate/support; and the variety of activities and events we hold.

Well done, Lindy for organising this event and thank you John, Rhonda and Yvonne - a nice community event to be part of and good to see the Mayor as well. The OneMeal staff were very grateful for the leftover bread rolls & sauce. The $160.50 received will be added to our club funds which will assist the community.

We wish to thank the management & staff of Cincotta Chemist arranging the food and cooking equipment and involving the club

 Next Year (yes, it is only weeks away)

  • 17th January - BBQ at Clontarf @ 5pm - "bring a friend"  - cost $10/head - everyone welcome just let us know for catering.

  • 24th January  -  club meeting @ 7pm - membership growth presentation by Tony Butera from UNB - Note: this is an additional meeting


Finally in the spirit of those corny Christmas cracker jokes....

Merry Christmas and a Happy and safe New Year!


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