Sunrise @ Arranounbai

This morning, Channel 7 breakfast program, Sunrise, had the live cross to Arranounbai in Frenchs Forest. In addition to students, staff, and families, Arranounbai principal, Stephanie Hopkins kindly extended the invitation to Rotary Balgowlah members to also be present since the club has given support to the school for many years.

Representing the club were Rick and Chaiki Van Brugge, Lindy Myers, Sue Terry, John O’Brien, and Michael Mead who all braved the cold morning and were at the school at 5:45 am – along with Stephanie, her staff some students, parents, and volunteers.

When Sunrise presenter and weatherman, Sam ‘Mac’ McMillan, interviewed Stephanie, she said that Balgowlah Rotary was a valued supporter Arranounbai principal and pointed to the latest equipment, the two Gomier Tricycles purchased and donated by the club.


Left to right: Lindy Myers, Sam Mac, Sue Terry, Michael Mead, Rick Van Brugge, Chiaki Van Brugge and Stephanie Hopkins (Seated on bike). [Photo John O'Brien]

When asked about how the club raises funds secretary, Lindy Myers talked about a variety of fundraisers and activities the club conducts including Cars and Clues Car rally (Sunday June .26th), Rock and Roll night (June 30th) and the Annual Golf Day & Dinner (Sept 9, 2022 at Wakehurst Golf Club). (see Link 1 below)

Some program segments also showed some of the cooking, art, and other activities that the 39 students do at the school. We also met some St Luke’s grammar students who assist each week in many activities along with the amazing staff at the school.

The program did a great job presenting various segments showing the amazing work that Stephanie, her staff, parents and volunteers perform together the great support from the community and partnership with our club.


The highlight of the morning was the opening of the new outdoor track and activities area with a track (incorporating a roundabout), sun shelter, swings, and trampoline. It ingeniously incorporates very high safety standards with great activity sections for student with different capabilities. (See Link 3 below for the broadcast clip)


A couple of videos show the excitement the children had and they really enjoyed this valuable addition to to school.

Here are some links to the Sunrise segments of the program:

Link 1      What is Arranounbai and Rotary Balgowlah's Support

Link 2      JOEY - the Arranounbai Weather Man

Link 3      The new playground facility.

Sincere thanks to Stephanie, Principal at Arranounbai and her invitation to the club and thank you to Sam Mac and the Sunrise7 crew for including the club in the broadcast and permission to use these clips.


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