Cars n Clues2

Cars n’ Clues 2

After Covid lockdowns and flooding rain caused a string of postponements, our second car rally – Balgowlah Rotary’s Charity Cars n Clues Rally was held on pleasant sunny day on Sunday June 26th and was a great success. Once again, the organising committee had a very interesting route and questions about the sites and places the rally went.

A total of 53 cars were entered and over 123 adults and children joined in the fun and learnt more about places on the Northern Beaches. One brave lady drove a group of children who were celebrating a birthday party.

Thanks to our club photographer, John O’Brien, we have some great pictures of the fun on the day.

The start at Seaforth Oval:

Sue and Enid

Tony and Michael








Follow that car





And along the route:

Am I lost??

How many?

Is this it?

Joy has an answer

President Rick on the road

Toys Toys Toys

What's inside?


And the Finish:

Happy customers at the Barbie

Rick on the Barbie

Ian and Bronwyn 's Team realxing after the rally

Rhonda helping with the food and drinks

Sue marking the entries

Sue and Nigi

Joy, Sue, Chiaki and Rick

So who won?

·       Car Rally Winner:             Anne McEncroe Team

·       Car Rally Runner up:       Andrew Darragh Team

The Guessing Competition was well supported, but no one guessed the correct number - 117.

        Alan Jones was the winner with the closest guess of 118.

Below are the limericks from the top 3 entrants. 

There once was an old car called Sally

"Who had fun in the Rotary Rally

She crept up the hills 

and had many spills

and finished up lost in a valley"


"Who loved to get sideways in a valley

Her colour was green

She was fast and mean

and her backside was kinda smelly"


 "She had rip roaring headlights

Then tally up points for the race

She won the car clues on a pace

Her tyres were worn

Her driver blew her red horn

and she outshone the sports cars with pizazz"


Clues - Answers for Cars’n Clues Rally 2022

Qu 1.a. School, 1930

Qu 1.b. Why and when was the park named Oxford Falls Peace Park? Remembers

people who served in WW2? Aug 19, 1995

Qu 1.c. Name each different native flower etched on the Remembrance wall.

Waratah, Banksia, Grevillea, Cissus and Hakea

Draw your favourite?

Qu 1.d There is a plaque under a tree. Who is it in fond memory of?

Paul Couvret. Why? Service to the community

Qu 2.a. Find a RED box on the left - we can pretend it’s like Dr Who’s Tardis.

Dr Who’s Tardis is actually what colour? Blue

Qu 2.b. Standing in the clearing across the road from the Red Box, how many white

dishes can you see? 11 +

Qu 2.c. Name the security company that should repair the broken fencing. Securitas

Qu 2.d. Who is servicing the microwave dishes? Optus

Qu 2.e. Estimate the height of the tower. 44 metres


Q 3.a. How many schools on Western side of the road before reaching Mona Vale

Road? 2


4. Q 4.a. Write the first name of the person you can call to ask about Beekeeping?


Q. 4.b. How many decorated bee hives are there? 3 (+)

Decorate your own bee house


Qu 5.a. Can you imagine, there’s a Weather Station inside!


Qu 6.a. How many can you see? 3

Qu 6.b. What colour horse is winning the race? Black Give it a name...............


Name them


Qu 8.a. Who works in the green shed on the right side of the road? Peninsula Seniors Toy Repairers, volunteers.
Qu 8.b. What do they do?. Repair (donated) Toys


Qu 9.b. How many panels make up the dome at the top? 9 Qu 9.c. What is the symbol on the gate entrance? Waratah FINISH
. How many BMX tracks are there? 3


There once was an old car called Sally ............

Qu 7.a. At the back of the playground how many community service buildings can

you see? 3+

Terrey Hills Rural Fire Brigade station, Radio Northern Beaches, Terrey Hills

Senior Citizen & Youth Centre.

Qu 8.c. Write 4 of the places where toys are sent. Angola, Lebanon, Brewarrana,

Papua New Guinea, Tonga, Solomon Islands, Cambodia, Zimbabwe, disaster Relief

Qu 9.a. Further up the road is the amazing white temple. What is the name of it?

Bahá'í Centre or Bahá'í House of Worship

b. How many solar panels on the weathervane within the fenced area near the car

park? 3+

Congratulations and thank you all the entrants who supported the day. 

Forward Planning

Club Changeover Balgowlah  RSL

19th July Tuesday 6 for 6.30pm

3ARO Concert – Pittwater RSL

30th July Saturday 7 for 7.30pm to 10pm Flyer Below


Rotary Balgowlah Charity Golf Day & Dinner

9th September 2022 Friday at Wakehurst Golf Club


District Conference 9685 at Cowra

17-19th March 2023



27-31 May 2023



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