Rotaract Northern Beaches: Presentation by Sam Wilkins.
Our guest speaker was Sam Wilkins from Rotaract Northern Beaches.
Sam during the presentation. |
Rotaract Northern Beaches was formed in 2016 and Sam is a charter member and current president.
The vision of Rotaract is as follows: “Rotaractors are passionate, community-minded individuals. We actively collaborate and engage with our community to create meaningful social impact”.
Meetings are held twice each month; one at PCYC Northern Beaches and the second rotating around local venues and Rotaractors have managed several projects including Bush Clean Up Days, Share the Dignity and a Virtual Fashion Show Clothing Drive.
Sam outlined the many benefits of Rotaract membership, including personal development opportunities, meeting and working with like-minded people, the ability to make a difference in the community and especially having fun. His is key challenge is gaining local members and Sam really needs assistance in contacting potential interested members at venues like TAFE and associations that consist of ex pupils of local high schools.
Contact details: , Northern Beaches Rotaract on Facebook, rotaractnb on Instagram
Calendar Project.
Bev Yarich presented a proposed calendar project to the meeting. The theme of the calendar is sustainability, and each month would present a key idea like avoiding waste, reuse/recycle, saving energy, Eco food choices, smart packaging
The rationale was as follows:
● Everyone buys a calendar so could be saleable
● Not affected by weather, location or Covid!
● The Sustainability Theme is a positive message for Rotary to promote
● Sales promotion: through QR code & website
● Sales also promoted by delivering samples to appropriate businesses for browsing & orders ...Doctor's surgeries, School Staff rooms etc
Other components included sponsorship opportunities, website capability plus the ability to franchise the design to other local Rotary clubs.
The membership congratulated Bev on her research and work on the proposal and said the project should be advanced further with a working party. The next step will be for interested members to develop and work out the logistics.
Memorial Walkway at North Head
As part of Volunteers Week, my good friend and Sydney Harbour Trust volunteer guide, Robyn, led a small group of volunteers, including Balgowlah Rotarians, on a newly developed and fascinating short walk exploring the stories behind just some of the Memorial Walkway's paving bricks.
From the whole families who went to, and in some cases came back from, so many the pavers with names such as Roden Cutler & Tom Uren, we were treated to potted family and social histories, all shown by the donated paving bricks, in memory of those who served. I do hope this walk becomes part of the regular walk choices at North Fort. It should not be missed.
Roger, Helen and I enjoyed part of the beautiful Hanging Swamp walk nearby, after the memorial walkway stories.
"Birth, Life and Hope in Nepal"
Talk by Dr Ray Hodgson about plight of women in Nepal and aim to build a hospital for women in there. A talk well worth listening to.
Manly Leagues Club from 7pm. Please use Tribooking IT IS FREE!.
June 7, 2022 Arranounbai – A special place
Talk by Stephanie Hopkins, Principal of Arranounbai -
AT TOTEM CLUB 195 Condamine St Balgowlah, 7pm
Come for dinner prior at 6pm.
June 26 2022 Cars'n Clues Road Rally -rescheduled
Join the fun for the whole family. Answer clues at spots around the Northern Beaches. Great Prizes. Start at Seaforth Oval.
July 30, 2022 Fundraiser Dance.
Venue is Pittwater RSL with the 3ARO Orchestra & singers
Save the date. More to follow
September 9, 2022 Charity Golf Day & Dinner
Annual Charity Golf day and Dinner at Wakehurst Golf Club.
A great day and evening while raising much needed funds for the projects we support for youth and group in need.
Save the date. Bookings open.
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