Welcome Michael Brent + lots of Club activities.

Tonight, Michael Brent was inducted into the club. He was proposed as a member by Lindy Myers.

Lindy presents Michael with a Rotary Pin

Michael lives in Seaforth and his background is in finance, risk management and continuous improvement with over 35 years of experience both in Australia & overseas.  He has a finance degree from UNE, is a fellow of the Institute of Charted Accountants, and a graduate of Australian Institute of Company Directors. (So, all you people with self-managed super funds may get a head up!)

While his preferred interests are Services and Communications, he is happy to contribute wherever he can be of use.

Michael is a director of Sir Eric Woodward Memorial School Assn since 1995 (a special educational school for Children with disabilities and provides distance learning). Michael has also been a director of Sunnyfield since 2019.

Members were present for Michael's induction at the club and via ZOOM

All members present congratulated Michael on his becoming a member of our club; he will contribute valuable experience and insight.



Last week's post about our stand at Stockland Balgowlah can be accessed here.

We are pleased to report that over $4,200 was collected in the two days: Saturday March 12 & Sunday March 13: a great effort by all who volunteered, and our sincere thanks is extended to all who contributed!


·     Hawkesbury/Nepean

50% of the collected monies will be donated to the central Rotary fund for Hawkesbury/Nepean relief. Three Rotary clubs in the area; Penrith valley, Richmond and Windsor are working jointly and using funds via RAWCS*. (This is being managed by District Governor, Lindsay May., and sponsored by Rotary District 9685). The clubs are agreed that all donations be dealt centrally via this process.


This project is offically described as follows: "This project aims to provide assistance to people suffering loss from flood damage to their homes from the March 2022 floods in the Sydney region of New South Wales. The assistance will be in the form of vouchers from major retailers to be distributed by Rotary Clubs in the affected areas. The vouchers will be redeemable only at the retailer for essential items, excluding liquor, tobacco products, and cash. Initial provision of one voucher valued at $100 per person, with a limit of two per family"


*Rotary Australia World Community Service Ltd (RAWCS) enables Australian Rotarians, Rotary Districts and Rotary Clubs to assist disadvantaged communities and individuals through humanitarian aid projects.

·     Northern Beaches:

One organisation provides immediate relief when required in community adversities and has greatly increased demand with localised flooding in the many suburbs in Northern Beaches is OneMeal.  In addition to a delivery program direct to people referred by social service agencies and community groups (over 16 agencies on the Beaches) OneMeal has two free community meals each week.  

OneMeal is currently preparing over 8,000 meals a week - all using voluntary work and no paid workers! Some of the food is donated by the volunteers - much needs to be purchased. Also, I have been asked to view their operations first hand at a visit to their facilities.Will arrange this next week.


Additionally, we have contacted Community Northern Beaches, who have are now have a lot of foodstuffs and perishables already donated, their representative said that cash donation to help them expedite some other household purchases would be far more appropriate at this stage.


Follow up at Stockland


Our new member Michael Brent suggested we put a Thank You poster around Stockland as follow up – Great idea. Well done, Michael!



Roger Gray has gone around around Stocklands placing them in stores and locations that displayed our earlier flyer.  Thank you, Roger!


Whist on the subject of donations; RAWCS also have a fund for Ukraine assistance, (Ukraine Humanitarian Relief Aid) which our club has donated to. The RAWCS project total on Friday 18 March stands at just over $1.9million.


GOLF DAY - now September 7, 2022

Lindy provided background on the state of the course and comprehensive update on the new arrangements.

·     Bookings through TriBooking are open for the new date, people who request a refund will have it processed. All other bookings and payments will transfer to the new date.

·     Wherever we have contact details of player, donors, or volunteers from our charities – the change of date has been advised. Should any member know of players or doners that had not been contacted please advise them the change.

·     All existing Golf Day flyers should be removed, and new ones will be made available.

Further details are on the club website.


Recycle for Rotary:

Over 30,000 bottles and cans have been collected thus far at the NRMA campsite at Narrabeen and now during the football season at Pittwater Park Rugby stadium at Warriewood. (Rat Park).

This project which was devised and managed so professionally by Bev Yakich has collected over $3,000.00.  This money will be donated a local, non-profit organisation, StreetWork.

StreetWork supports medium to high-risk young people to turn their lives around. It is a charity that works with 11- to18-year-olds in our local community, providing one-on-one mentoring programs so that they can get jobs, return to school, and access other youth services, like accommodation and counselling.


On Tuesday April 19, our Guest is Sonya Mears, GM Transformation & Creative Services at StreetWork. She will explain the many aspects of their operation and programs.

Awards Night May 3

Each year the Rotary Club of Balgowlah awards members of the local community for the work they have done in promoting and exhibiting high levels of commitment and achievement in service to the community and/or in the workplace, as employees, volunteers, or trainees.

Our Awards night is being held on Tuesday May 3, 2022, when several awards are presented including:

·              Apprentice/Trainee Award

·              Community Service Award

·              Pride of Workmanship Award

·              Small Business Award

·              Youth Award (nominations from local Primary & Secondary Schools)


If you have someone in your organisation or know of someone in the community who you feel is worthy of recognition for the work that they have carried out in any of these categories, please let us know.

 Please request a NOMINATION FORM by emailing me on mbmead1@gmail.com


3ARO Rock & Roll Dance night.

It’s on! Sue has arranged the great 3ARO orchestra and singers to provide us with a great night of entertainment at an even better venue than the previous ones.

This amazing orchestra who volunteer their time and talents to the local community and a number of our club’s fundraising events need all our encouragement and support!


More updates will be available but 


Saturday night, July 30 at Pittwater RSL Club.


District Conference:

Three members, Lindy, Roger & Michael M will attend this on Saturday March 19 and report back to the club.

March 18-19th 2022     District 9685 Rotary Conference 

Friday -Dinner        Saturday - Plenary Sessions

District 9685 Conference at West HQ, Rooty Hill 

March 25th 2022          Charity Golf Day & Dinner

POSTPONED    to September 9th

Annual Charity Golf Day and Dinner at Wakehurst Golf Club.

Postponed due to the unprecedented bad weather and flooding.  

A great day and evening while raising much needed funds for the projects we support for youth and group in need.

Save the date Sept 9. Bookings open.  

April 5th 2022              Formal Meeting 

Balgowlah Rotary Club Meeting

Balgowlah RSL Wine Room from 7pm and via Zoom

Guest Speaker YOUTH NIGHT  Dinner available in Bistro from 6 pm

April 5th 2022              Board Meeting 

Balgowlah Rotary Board Meeting

Balgowlah RSL Wine Room from 8.30pm and via Zoom

April 19th 2022            Formal Meeting 

Balgowlah Rotary Club Meeting

Balgowlah RSL Wine Room from 7pm and via Zoom

Guest Speaker - Sonya Mears from Streetwork - GM Transformation & Creative Services. Dinner available in Bistro from 6 pm

May 3rd 2022               Club Vocational Youth and Community Awards 

Balgowlah Rotary Awards Night at Wakehurst Golf Club, Upper Clontarf St, Seaforth from 6.30pm

May 8th 2022               Cars'n Clues Road Rally -rescheduled 

Join the fun for the whole family. Rescheduled from 28th November 2021. Answer clues at spots around the Northern Beaches. Great Prizes. Start at Seaforth Oval.

May 31st 2022              Dr Ray Hodgson Special Event 

"Heartbreak in the Himalayas" 

Talk by Dr Ray Hodgson about plight of women in Nepal and aim to build a hospital for women in there. A talk well worth listening to.

Balgowlah RSL Wine Room from 7pm and via Zoom. Dinner available in Bistro from 6 pm.

July 30th 2022              Fundraiser Dance.

Venue is Pittwater RSL with the 3ARO Orchestra & singers

Save the date.  More to follow

September 9th 2022     Charity Golf Day & Dinner

Annual Charity Golf day and Dinner at Wakehurst Golf Club.

A great day and evening while raising much needed funds for the projects we support for youth and group in need.

Save the date. Bookings open.












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