Christmas 2021 - Joy to the World
Christmas 2021

Colin Bradford, Liz McDougall, Chrisy Savvides (all from Dee Why Warringah Rotary)

Tony Hill, Michael Mead and Paul Apps

Roger Gray, Rick van Brugge, Alois Lechner
Rhonda Scotter, Nigi Lechner, Helen Gray |
Deanne Bennett and Sue Terry |
Rick van Brugge , Kerry Gwynne |
Following a warm welcome from President Rick who thanked all for coming and highlighted some coming events Sue Terry then introduced a familiar special guest to the club, Kerry Gwynne who most of us know of the amazing work that is done at Dalwood Spilstead.
Prior to asking Kerry to speak, Sue read out the community recognition statement signed by our local state member James Griffin MP which outlines the amazing work done by Kerry and her team.
Kerry Gywnne, Manager Dalwood Spilstead Services |
Kerry then outlined the unique performance results achieved by Spilstead.
One of the best kept secrets in Northern Sydney, the Dalwood Spilstead Service (DSS) is internationally renowned for its unique and successful program of intervention for vulnerable families and children who have experienced disrupted development and trauma in the early years.
With the support of the generous benefactors and the local community, the service has been able to provide continued intensive support for over 100 needy families with very young children despite the challenges of the pandemic. This has made a huge difference as it has been the vulnerable families, already dealing with stress such as domestic violence, parental health issues, addiction and homelessness who have been hit the hardest by the restricted activity, isolation and general anxiety in the community. This increased stress on families has now been referred to by some experts as the “shadow pandemic”.
The Dalwood Spilstead Service was extremely grateful to receive gifts from the Rotary Club of Balgowlah to help their drive to help needy parents fill their children’s Santa sacks this Christmas.
In addition, the Dalwood Spilstead Service has recently demonstrated some exceptional results compared to other services across the state. Contracted to provide the DCJ Brighter Futures program for Northern Sydney, the service has been able to compare outcomes with other Brighter Futures providers. State-wide data has indicated that, during the last contract, the Dalwood Spilstead Service had a 96% engagement and participation rate with families referred to the program, 33% higher than the 63% state-wide average. Of the families who participated in the DSS, 86% of families completed the program with the family goals achieved, 33% more than the state average of 53%. These higher participation and achievement rates confirm that 83% of the families referred to the DSS participated and completed the Brighter Futures program with goals achieved compared to the state average of only 33%.
The Dalwood Spilstead Service is currently looking for more sponsors to help the work continue. If you can help, please contact Kerry Gwynne, Service Manager on 9951 0366.Lifeline Northern Beaches thanks Rotary Balgowlah
Deanne Bennett and Barbara Stenhouse from Lifeline Northern Beaches spoke of the support the club.
Deanne thanked all Rotary clubs and particularly Rotary Balgowlah for the support and valuable funding of the programs, notably the Senior support Group in February 2022 and the Youth skating event on Saturday Dec 11,that supports youth and showcases the various Youth services available on the Northern Beaches in conjunction with Rotaract (The club has donated prize money for the event). This ongoing collaboration and support is truly appreciated.

Barbara Stenhouse (left) and Deanne Bennett thanked the club for the support
The importance of suicide prevention and early intervention before it advances to crisis-point was further elaborated by Barbara who told us that suicide rates were one every fortnight about 3 years ago and had now dropped by a third.
Moreover, in the last 18 months there has been a 200% increase in help seeking behaviour with increased conversations on about mental health and that it is OK to not be OK.
This reduction of suicide rates and increase in gaining help is a direct result of the initiatives and protocols developed by Lifeline and other agencies as part of a suicide prevention steering committee who work is aimed at proactive and timely response or intervention with increased focus on mental health issues in our community and reduction of the risk of suicide. The Senior support group is an invaluable part of this program before it gets to a crisis-point. Suicide risk increases with age - especially in people 50 years plus or those nearing retirement age: engaging people, getting them connected and providing tools and strategies for the transition of their life phase into retirement is the key part of the program.
Barbara said that our support for the program will directly help the community.
Thank You
All members and guests thanked Lindy, Bev , Sue and Tony for making the club Christmas Party such a success.
See you at the Quiz night Saturday 11th Dec at Balgowlah RSL.
Timor Leste Newsletter
A couple of years back, I spent an amazing 10 days in Timor Leste seeing much of the great work that is managed by Rotarian Judy Chanaud in the poor and remote area of Oecusse. Judy normally spends 9 months of the year there, but has been prevented from getting there in the last 18 months due to Covid restrictions.
The club have given financial support to Judy to help with the clean water project and sustainable village project, however this did not occur last year due to funding constraints. Judy hopes to get back to Oecusse in March 2022. She still manages to stay in touch with things happening there and her newsletter is attached for your interest.
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