District Governor visit

District Governor 9685 Lindsay May OAM and wife Tania visited our club via ZOOM on Tuesday October 19. 


Tania is also the Past President of Lane Cove Rotary. They were also joined by Jade Catherall, DG Aide Metro, Johanna Johns, Area Governor Beaches.


Lindsay reviewed the club plans and activities with the Board and Team leaders and expressed his thanks to all the club for the efforts and achievements over the last year despite the difficulties of lockdowns and limited ability to properly function. He was most appreciative of the planning activities that club has undertaken despite the extra difficulties of conducting it using ZOOM. Lindsay said that with these plans in place, he was confident that we have a great future ahead.



Lindsay also invited all of us to attend the District Conference that is being held live on Friday – Saturday 18-19th March 2022 at West HQ (Rooty Hill RSL).  The dinner will be held on the Friday night, the conference on the Saturday (1,500 seat capacity auditorium called the Colosseum. It will be a great opportunity to catch up with like-minded Rotarians, share ideas, recharge our enthusiasm and commitment for the time ahead.


District 9685 Annual Conference 2022 - Navigating Change

Picnic in the Park


17 Rotarians joined the picnic at Clontarf on Tuesday October 26th. It was a most welcome opportunity to meet socially and make up for the many weeks of lockdown.


Needless to say everyone enjoyed getting together and engaging in deep conversation and discussions on the various qualities of certain vintages.






And we get to see

Recycle for Rotary in action:


Well done Bev

 Many thanks to Sue for arranging our release and John for the photos.


Upcoming Events

NOTE No meeting Tuesday Nov 2

Next club meeting is on Tuesday Nov 9 at 7pm via ZOOM

AND (wait for it)

we can meet at Balgowlah RSL at 6pm for dinner (Pls notify Lindy if attending)


Forward Planning


Tuesday16 November  Formal Meeting and Annual General Meeting 7pm - Balgowlah RSL Wine Room

Speaker – Matthew Taylor Bush Heritage


Matthew describes himself as a general naturalist with a fondness for birds, the only creatures he can reliably identify - on a good day!  He came to Australia in 1995 from the UK for a 6 week piece of consulting work and never went back.  His Day Job is fundraising for Bush Heritage, a conservation organisation and the rest of the time he will be gardening, bush-walking and doing a bit of guerrilla weeding around the neighbourhood. 


Sunday November 28th Cars'n Clues Road Rally  Join the fun for the whole family. Answer clues at spots around the Northern Beaches. Great Prizes. Start at Seaforth Oval. Bookings now open.  

Tuesday December 7th  Christmas Dinner At Balgowlah RSL Wine Room. Bookings essential.
Saturday December 11th Charity Quiz Night At Balgowlah RSL , Ethel St Seaforth. 7 for 7.30pm

A fun night challenging the brain with a team of up to 8 per table. Bingo and novelty game during the break. Save the date and get a team together. Bookings opening soon.

Tuesday January 18th 2022 New Year BBQ At Clontarf picnic area. From 5pm

Our first meeting of the year and a social get together.

Guests and people interested in joining our club are welcome. BBQ for $10


Friday Dinner  Saturday Plenary Sessions March 18-19th 2022 District 9685 Rotary Conference  at West HQ, Rooty Hill 

Friday March 25th 2022 Charity Golf Day & Dinner

Annual Charity Golf Day and Dinner at Wakehurst Golf Club.

A great day and evening while raising much needed funds for the projects we support for youth and group in need.

Save the date.

Bookings opening early in 2022.



Johanna Johns, our Area Governor is hosting this interesting series of talks called Speaker Trail Event

Last night we the Rotary Club of Beecroft hosted the first of seven SPEAKER TRAIL Q & A ZOOM EVENT.

Our expert Rotarians and community leaders performed at their best sharing information about one of the seven Foundation Areas of Focus “Community Economic Development”.

Our one hour zoom meeting consisted of a panel of 3, DG Lindsay May OAM RC Lane Cove and our PDG Kalma McLellan RC Ryde and PP Mark Anderson RC Beecroft. Our Facilitator for the evening was Geoffrey Brennan RC Ryde. 

Should you wish to know who we are and what we do, this Speaker Trail event is open to all Rotarians and all friends of Rotary or non Rotarians from anywhere in the world!

We were joined by 4 friends of Rotary last night and received one text from Kieryn saying “Great event Johanna, very professional. This would be great for new Rotarians and new Clubs. Remind me to promote this to our Board next week”.

A email from Pamela “A superb evening. I totally enjoy the bigger picture and the positivity that is shared on these occasions is remarkable. Thank you for your energy and your enthusiasm.

If you were one of those who registered but for one reason or another could not attend last night, our session was recorded and are happy to send you a copy upon request. If you did not register and would like a copy of the recording a $12.00 donation and we will send you a copy. Everyone involved in the Speaker Trail Event gave their time for free, as this is a fundraiser for Rotary and ShelterBox.

As fundraising is the gentle art of teaching “The Joy of Giving”

We invite you to join our next meeting to be held on Thursday the 11th November log on 7.15pm commence 7.30 – 8.30pm

Our Area of Focus is WATER, Sanitation and Hygiene.

Our panel will be headed up by IPDG David Clark and PDG Bruce Lakin and IPP Niranjan Deodhar.

Please register using this link:-


PP Johanna Johns | Rotary Club of Beecroft  

Assistant Governor 2021-2022 District 9685 

Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) Facilitator. 


M: 0407 315080
johannajohns.rotary@gmail.com W: https://rotarybeecroft.org.au/

F: https://facebook.com/rotarybeecroft

 Thought for the day:


Thank  you!



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