Meet the Mayor

Tuesday September 7, 2021

Our last meeting via ZOOM had a most interesting talk by Michael Regan, Mayor of Northern Beaches Council who discussed the challenges and accomplishments of the Council, especially with overcoming the difficulties created by Covid 19 restrictions, together with some aspects of his passionate following of the great rock band from Dublin, U2 and his huge love of cricket.

Mayor Michael in fine form at our club ZOOM meeting

Keynote address at our Awards night November 2020

Michael and the council support many volunteer community organisations in the Northern Beaches and applauds Rotary and its efforts. In addition to being a keen advocate of our club and our projects, he is a Paul Harris fellow, awarded by Rotary Frenchs Forest.


The Covid Challenge:

Michael told the meeting that formulating the council’s Covid response is challenging since whilst vaccination is fully encouraged - it is not mandatory. This creates uncertainty with planning with businesses, organisations and council stakeholders. He outlined a press release entitled back to business that has just been released giving guidance and assistance to local organisations and businesses. An example being the possibility of establishing outdoor dining and bars in some local clubs and similar organisations together with council licencing, Covid safe plans and crowd management plans. Similarly, outdoor options are being requested and examined with other businesses such as hairdressers and gymnasiums. Meanwhile prevention of the public use of park and street seating, tables and other facilities where social distancing may be compromised (or is difficult to monitor) has been done by taping them - at least until restrictions ease. One-hour beachfront parking was also introduced to discourage beachfront travel and crowding. Many responses differ from prior lockdowns since certain initiatives have now been found to be more effective. The likelihood of the Council being a pilot area for the state program to emerge from lockdown is a possibility, however staffing shortages in many businesses may be an issue.

Asking “Are you OK”

Michael articulated the enormous pressure that is evident with students, especially those who are studying for the HSC. He spoke of the sad and unfortunate cases of serious student mental health challenges and highlighted one in particular, which drove the efforts of her dear friend and young researcher. Using social media and the responses of approximately 1,500 students across the state has resulted in an 8-point plan being formulated by a number of school captains which then was presented to a number of State government ministers and the Premier. One key finding was the stress and thoughts of self-harm that have become prevalent together with the need for steps to be put into place necessary to address it. It is not a question of money but now a lack of professionals available to tackle these problems. Many people, both young and old are enduring this lockdown with differing levels of ability to cope. The need for interest and concern for others and simply asking ‘are you OK ‘is becoming far more important.  Michael said that he will explore ideas where Rotary may be able to help with some of these issues.

Budget and Major Capital Works:

-   Manly Council area, since amalgamation, has had $70.7million spent on urgent local capital works repairing many aspects of aging infrastructure that need urgent work. A backlog of works such as beach facilities, swimming pools, replacing toilet blocks, stormwater infrastructure, repair of roads and the Town Hall were not only urgent but severely lacked funding allocation plus had significant loans needing repayment.

-   Much of the rate increases in Manly were due to undervaluation of properties together with this urgent need to address the expenditure shortfall.

-   Warringah and Pittwater could no longer subsidise Manly in this manner.

-   Footpaths, playground upgrades and other projects are also being addressed. Over $180 million would be required to build every missing footpath in the whole electorate. (Email any concerns). Over $3 million a year is allocated currently to building new footpaths. Over $10 million p.a. to improve and widen existing. 

-   Seawall project at Collaroy: All work will be 100% on the landowner’s property, and proper materials are being employed.  (Rocks on the beachfront are being cleared) Approximately 48 properties are involved with 80% of the average cost of $300,000 per wall being paid for by the landowner, the remaining 20% paid equally by council and State government since this work will assisting in protecting Pittwater Road.

Update on Northern Beaches Tunnel.

A go/no go decision, based on the environmental assessment report is now due. Should the answer be GO, preparation work by RMS at Balgowlah Golf Club would proceed after July 1, when its lease expires. This involves making the Golf club site a work area site for the machines, supplies and the tunnelling work. Other work involves the widening to 4 lanes of Wakehurst Parkway from Seaforth Oval to Warringah Road, relocation of the Forest High School from Warringah Road to a location in Allambie Road, Allambie Heights, together with additional flyovers for Wakehurst Parkway. The project will take 5 years including 1-2 years of preparatory work starting at Crow’s Nest to address potential traffic holdups.

Assistance for our Club

Bev Yakich spoke about EnviroCents to assist the Respectful Relations program being managed by Community Northern Beaches. The Respectful Relations program is talks and presentational workshops to teenagers in local high schools. Balgowlah Rotary is developing the fundraising project using the Return and Earn monies paid on returnable bottles and cans (10ç each) and our potential support will enable more educational programs on respect and responsibility to students at many more schools. Michael agreed to donate 10 large Wheelie bins ($90 each) to hold the bottles in temporary storage at Terrey Hills, prior to our taking them to the depot.

U2 and Bono  

Being a great music fan, at the age of 16 he went to see U2 but couldn’t get in but really enjoyed what he heard outside. He has since attended many concerts (32) in different places and countries since, including NZ, Ireland, Europe, UK and the US. Moreover, Bono has insisted that any photos with leading world figures have a price of 1% of the countries’ GDP to be paid to 3rd world economies and aid community programs – and trades his standing as a celebrity to help the poor. He said that the fan line-up forms days in advance, but he and his wife go at 8am in the morning; well over 12 hours before the concert begins. Gets them at the front of the stage every time. Finally, after seeing 32 concerts - many located in ‘hard to get to and get back’ venues, he met Bono behind the SCG in 2019 lol


Michael has played at Lords, both grounds; the nursery and main ground. He has also played against and or with, Simon Katich, Stuart McGill & Stuart Clark; dined in the Lord’s players/ teams Dining room and his wife Bronwen is possibly the only female who has given an after-dinner speech in the Long Room (also a dinner) to over 150 members at the club. Attended Brian Lara’s life membership dinner there, along with tour captain Brett Papworth, a Rugby International and a league player. Handy cricketer too. Jim Maxwell and many others.

Michael & his wife now only travel to see U2 play or the cricket. 

All members of the club warmly thanked Michael for a very stimulating and fascinating talk and thanked him for his ongoing support of our club and material assistance with our projects. Can’t wait to come back and speak more of the concerts, experiences at a few which were very unique and his wife may also speak about the tour around it. Quite the travel organiser is Bronwen according to Michael.


 Other key Items from the meeting

  • Return & Earn project is being championed by Bev Yakich and further refinements underway. Other members will be on the team to help with planning & integration of key elements. Collection coordinators with possible supporting businesses in different suburbs have been selected.
  • Evaluation Methodology for Charities & Projects by Services Committee was adopted. Rotaract RYLA attendee also proposed.
  • Calendar of Proposed Events was updated due to Covid19 restrictions moving timings. Car Rally and Quiz Night now moved.
  • Changeover Dinner will be held over pending lifting of Covid 19 restrictions and Nepal Hospital Talk rescheduled.
  • Ian Grayburn has another wine pack offer for members with 6 specially selected whites or reds.
  • Fund Raising Committee - Programme of Events was altered due to changes with proposed dates.
  • Membership committee has a target of 6 new members and ways of attracting them, together with other initiates for member retention and liaison with communications team. Sergeant at Arms responsibilities outlined.
  • Communications Committee - Matrix outlining contact categories and communication material was further refined. Improved use of Facebook and website for membership and support to be further investigate.
  • PNG/ADI project received via cluster proposing $100K operations base for Covid19 vaccination program to be evaluated by Services committee.
Next meeting 21st September, 2021 - no guest speaker.


5 October       TUESDAY     Formal Meeting         7pm - Zoom

Speakers - Russell Peake – Manager, Social Planning and Services, Northern Beaches Council.

Will Wrathall – Acting Manager, Youth & Community Development, Northern Beaches Council.


19 October     TUESDAY     Formal Meeting        7pm - Venue to be advised

Speaker – TBC


26 October     TUESDAY     Joint Meeting with several Rotary Clubs   7pm - Now postponed due to COVID - TBC

Speaker - Dr Ray Hodgson - "Heartbreak in the Himalayas....and how we can heal it" - the plight of women in Nepal

 Future Dates FYI

February 2022           SUNDAY       Cars’n Clues Road Rally

Join the fun for the whole family. Answer clues at spots around the Northern Beaches. Great Prizes. 

Start at Seaforth Oval.            Event and Bookings coming soon. (If lockdown permits)


March 18-19th 2022 Friday Dinner + Saturday Plenary Sessions District 9685 Rotary Conference

District 9685 Conference at West HQ, Rooty Hill     Event and booking information TBA


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