Thank you Lindy - Welcome Rick.

When Sydney went into lock-down for two weeks from Saturday 26 June, besides an unfamiliar situation coming about (empty streets and crowded beaches), Rotary Balgowlah Changeover night set down for Tuesday June 29 was postponed. Changeover night will be held at a date to be decided.

Whilst the official induction of Rick as President and formally taking the role from Lindy will occur at Changeover, Rick has now taken over the reins.

Lindy and Rick on November 24, 2020 after the AGM & election of club officers for 2021/22

We all warmly congratulate Lindy doing such a wonderful job with so much achieved, especially when the on again/on again situation due to Covid affecting the planning and running of the club and its activities. 2020/21 has been an incredible success given the difficulties and many unplanned obstacles faced.

Rick has spent large amount of his time over the last few months discussing, holding planning sessions and finally confirming with members the future direction, key outputs and strategy for our club – much of which is taking place during this club year. All our members wish Rick every success and to a great year ahead!



At Tuesdays’ meeting our new member, Rhonda Scotter told us about her busy and eventful life, recounting that her grandmother always said, “Busy is the happy way to be”. Back in her university days, Rhonda thought that corporate was her career path so was encouraged to become a Justice of the Peace and terminated her JP duties after 40+ years.

Sport was always a passion and in her ‘best job ever’ Rhonda was the demo sailor at Clontarf every weekend; during the week, Rhonda & her husband had a sailing/catamaran business in Brookvale selling & sailing 14-foot ‘cats’.

Subsequently the whole family moved for one year to Fort Lauderdale, Florida with a large shipbuilding company – Australian Shipbuilders. (Christopher Skase bought the business but subsequently went bankrupt.) She did met Skase and his wife in Florida on a few occasions. At the Miami Boat Show, it was decided to build boats in Brisbane and the family then returned to Australia with an order for an 80-meter ship; called the Other Woman and to be built in Brisbane. Skase made sure that the ship was finished, however the employees were not paid wages and most angry when he disappeared to Spain.

Having now returned to Sydney, Rhonda then joined PRD Nationwide and was office manager for 9 years at their busy Head Office located in Sydney CBD. After that, Rhonda worked at AGL for 7 years managing the staff bookings and holiday bookings at a considerable number of company houses located in all states. Rhonda regards AGL to be a very generous company with their staff and looked after staff & their families who were having health or financial problems.

At the same time, Rhonda joined the New South Wales Liberal Party and for 15 years was Secretary of Manly branch which had 65 members. In March Rhonda relinquished the role of Secretary and is now a federal, state and local government delegate - a far less onerous workload.

With all that has happened in her life, Rhonda said meditation has become a big part of her life and describes herself as a sunny day, part-time Buddhist. She realised that she had a very fortunate life and in order to give something back and for 16 years been Lifeline counselor.

Joining Rotary:

At Lifeline earlier in the year, Rhonda was given a $50 voucher courtesy of Rotary Balgowlah. At the Fish Restaurant in Manly she presented it and thanked them - they replied ”Don’t thank us, thank Rotary Balgowlah”. So then having emailed and thanked the club, she then learnt about Rotary and subsequently joined and is very happy to be here.


Rhonda's induction into the club by Lindy Myers - May 4, 2021
Rhonda concluded by posing the question, “Why don’t smaller Rotary clubs amalgamate”. She detailed that Manly Libs were always looking for new members; smaller club can’t keep up the momentum and drive like that of a larger club.

During question time the successful amalgamation of Pittwater, Terrey Hills and Narrabeen clubs was outlined and that we should explore further possibilities in our area.

The members all thanked Rhonda for sharing with us the story of her fascinating and very interesting  life. 

Rhonda concluded by posing the question, “Why don’t smaller Rotary clubs amalgamate”. She detailed that Manly Libs were always looking for new members; smaller club can’t keep up the momentum and drive like that of a larger club.

During question time the successful amalgamation of Pittwater, Terrey Hills and Narrabeen clubs was outlined and that we should explore further possibilities in our area.

The members all thanked Rhonda for sharing with us the story of her fascinating and very interesting  life.  


  • The 12 month calendar for the club will be coordinated be Bev and Rhonda and with the activities provided by each the club committees, with detailed of events for the coming 3 months.(on the website).
  • Speaker program to be managed by John O' Brien having external guest speakers from Rotary and other community organisations that the club has involvement (actual & potential)  and other people presenting subjects of general interest once a month. Questions (for Q&A part) to be supplied before hand in writing.
  • Sergeant at Arms to be reintroduced - the person to be selected by the membership team and timing at all to be disciplined.
  • Police awards Tues Aug 17 @ DY RSL. 3 Certificates to be presented to awardees selected by police. Possible presentation by the awardees at a subsequent club meeting to be explored.
  • Photo ops and visits with charities to be arranged.
  • The club organisation structure and membership and of the committee teams was agreed, however planning/budgets/targets will be further developed at team meetings in the coming weeks.
  • Support with many organisations to take the form of assistance/volunteer operations as well as monetary contributions.

Future Meetings

20 July


Formal Meeting 

7pm Zoom  & up to 30 people at Wine room, Balgowlah RSL

Speaker - Mike Molins - new member talk


3 August


Formal Meeting 

7pm Zoom  & up to 30 people at Wine room, Balgowlah RSL

Speaker - Gavin Ralston - Rotary Foundation Chair


17 August


Joint Meeting with several Rotary Clubs

7pm  - Venue to be advised

Speaker - Dr Ray Hodgson - "Heartbreak in the Himalayas" - the plight of women in Nepal 



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