A Great Welcome to 2021


Well you all know the story of our Christmas /New Year for nearly all of us....

“Stillness descends on northern beaches as the cluster grows. The northern beaches is now locked down. As of 5pm on Saturday, everyone living north of The Spit reverted to the same restrictions the rest of Sydney experienced in March”. SMH Dec 21, 2020

Thankfully we held our club Christmas party 4 days earlier and now our New Year kick off could occur


So HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021

Our first 'get together' for 2021 was at Clontarf Reserve where Rotarians and partners gathered to meet and welcome in hopefully a different and much better year .

John took some good Picnic Pics:
Joy, Tracey and Sue...and Paul

Robert, Lindy and Bev

Lindy and Pauline
Sue, Michael and Rick - Wine anyone?

Rick, Michael and Roger discussing the vintage

Ian and Nigi

Bev and Chiaki



Formerly unknown talents - Watch out Baker's Delight!

Robert cuts his amazing home baked loaf.

Any takers?

Alois and Sue

President Lindy gave an update on future activities:

Covid workers voucher project (See separate story)

·      The National Australia Day Council has awarded a grant of $20K to Northern Beaches Rotary Clubs to use jointly for celebrating Rotary 100 years in Australia and Australia Day. $2K was then handed to Rotary District as part of our funding of a nationally coordinated Rotary event being broadcast on Channel 9 on Australia Day with the remaining money to be used for local community activities.

·      After much planning, the Australia Day Rotary Fair in Mona Vale Village Park that was being organised by the N.B. Rotary Clubs had to be abandoned due to Covid-19 restrictions. It was then decided to reward the tireless front-line workers who have been involved with Covid-19 activities over the last 12months and fighting bushfires for many months last spring and summer. 

Vouchers for use by front-line respondents have been purchase and being distributed to appropriate groups.


Condobolin Rotary Joint Project

Gum Bend Lake is a man-made lake three kilometres from Condobolin and when full is 1.75 metres deep. Gum Bend Lake was a project to commemorate Australia’s Bicentenary and was jointly funded by the NSW Bicentennial Council, the people of Condobolin and the Lachlan Shire Council and has barbeques, a boat ramp, kid’s playground and a 6Km walking track around it. The drought last year saw both the Lachlan River and the lake both run dry, and the town of Condobolin was being shipped water; local farmers were facing devastation. Thankfully the spring rains have corrected this dire situation.


A joint project has been started by Balgowlah Rotary and Condobolin Rotary to have a number of seats erected around the Gum Bend Lake. 


The signage is ready:


Condobolin Rotary will also be holding their annual Race Day fundraiser on February 20.

IT Grant:         

The grant money has been spent on two laptop computers, a webcam camera, two Bluetooth daisy chain speaker/ microphones, a Telstra 4G/Wi-Fi modem (to avoid dropouts that occur with Balgowlah RSLs house Wi-Fi), 12 month of ZOOM subscription and MS Office and security programs. This will make our club IT set up more reliable and up to date.


Golf Day

Sponsorship: $3.5K has been confirmed however 2 prior sponsors have responded that will no longer support the Golf Day.

Carts: To cover the cost hiring the extra carts needed, Player fee will rise by $10. Book early to ensure you get a cart!



The activities normally held at Narrabeen are planned to be done via ZOOM due to Covid restrictions. This is not appropriate way to encourage team work, leadership development and other coordinated activities that are held at the camp.

Alternative ways of assisting students are being sought (maybe an inter-school debate?).




Sue Terry announced some possible future Minister for Fun activities:

·      Early morning walks finishing at a café or similar.

·      Possible excursion(s) using Opal card to a venue or attraction (or do people prefer to drive?)

·      Genesian theatre party.




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