Who's looking?

After disconnecting the ZOOM connection during the presentation (Apologies Lindy),  here is the story.

Readership of the club's first 4 months of blogging.

1.  Are we being seen: how many devices (mobile phones, iPads or similar tablets or computers) are looking at us.

Reader numbers  to November 21, 2020

2. In the 4 months we have been on line, the number of devices and views have grown.

Views are growing over time -we started in August 2020

 3. The most popular posts(stories)

Awards night was our most popular story,followed by t Cars n'Clues.

 4. How did the reader locate our blog

The top referring website to our blog was Balgowlah Rotary website, followed by Facebook


5. The Web Address that got to the blog

The major URL (web address) that linked the reader to our blog is from the Club Website

6. Location

Note:  If the same device revisits any page it is not counted twice 


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