Our team for 2021/22

Time flies: even during this abnormal year of disruptions, lock-downs and, for some, quarantine. 

The club's AGM was held on Tuesday evening with 13 members attending (some via ZOOM)  and 4 apologies. The election of incoming officers was held and all positions have been filled.

The President for 2021/22 is Rick Van Brugge - a very popular choice. 

Rick has been the club secretary for two years and put in place a number of important improvements to club systems, especially communications. 

Rick has also energetically represented the club at cluster meetings and district events and provided valuable input to cluster activities and our club's involvement.

President Lindy and President Elect Rick after the meeting

Well done Lindy

The meeting also acknowledged and congratulated President Lindy for her drive and enthusiasm in what has been a most difficult and unusual first 5 months of Presidency. The club has managed to function effectively with ZOOM and we have successfully held some important events (Awards night), fundraisers (Cars n'Clues), and completed valuable projects(In the Bag). 

There are still a number of important activities and projects in the second half of the year including Australian Rotary's 100 year celebrations on Australia Day and the Club's annual Golf Day in March 2021.

The club officers and roles for 2021/22 are as follows:

President (for 2021/2022)           Rick van Brugge                                

President Elect (for 2022/2023)  TBA

Secretary                                        Lindy Myers

Treasurer                                        Paul Apps

Club Services Director                   Tony Hill

Public Officer                                  Paul Apps



Services Committee

·       Team Leader                                  Michael Mead

·       Youth Service                                Ian Grayburn & Robert Exner

·       International                                  Diana Hart & Alois Lechner

·       Foundation                                    Maggie Shanahan & John O’Brien

·       Community/Vocational                  Michael Mead/Graham Evans/Roger Gray                

·       Minister of Fun                              Sue Terry

Membership Committee

·       Team Leader                                  Roger Gray & Judy Macaulay

Fundraising Committee

·       Team Leader                                  Lindy Myers

Communications Committee

·       Team Leader                                 Rick van Brugge

·       Bally Barker Blog                          Michael Mead

·       Social Media                                 Rick van Brugge/Lindy Myers/

                                                    Pauline Barnard

Congratulations to all who were elected.

The full minutes of the meeting will be circulated to members.

AND Don't forget

Rotary Summer Quiz Night on Saturday December 5,2020  at Balgowlah RSL (TriBooking)

Club Christmas Party on Tuesday December 15, 2020 at Balgowlah RSL (Email Rick :  r.c.vanbrugge@bigpond.com )



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