From our President


President Report (Oct 2020)

The first few months of our Rotary year starting July 2020 have been rewarding despite the challenging times with members engaged at meetings attended via Zoom and during the last few weeks face to face. We meet at Balgowlah RSL each 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month but at present can only have up to 10 coming face to face due to the pandemic.


We have postponed our major fundraiser Golf Day and Dinner due to Corona virus Covid-19, not because of the golf, but the dinner with auctions as we couldn’t mingle and the worry of close contact. We now hope to hold the event in March next year when hopefully restrictions will be less.

To help raise some money we are now holding new event,  “Cars’n Clues Road Rally” on Sunday 1st November.

The event should be a lot of fun with participants following the clues to locations around the Northern Beaches and answering questions. It has helped give the members some focus and a lot of fun and working bees to organise the event.

We are holding our Awards Night on 10th November at the Wakehurst Golf Club and have received quality nominations for Small Business, Youth, Community Service and Pride of Workmanship Awards.

On December 5th we will hold our annual Quiz Night.

Another new event we are considering is a Karaoke Night, but it will depend on Covid-19.

To raise funds for the club we organised a Wine Dozen sale which was very successful.


Balgowlah Rotary Club is again supporting “In the Bag” this year with the help of members and friends. We will be able to donate over 60 bags with essential needs for women experiencing hardship in their life.

The Northern Beaches Cluster Group organised working bees at Biala Hostel in Allambie which houses 13 aboriginal girls from rural NSW while they attend local school/s. Our members helped to repaint the pool deck and general clean up during the school holidays.

Club Structure

Recently we have changed the structure of the club with teams to handle different functions of the club. This has helped all members to be involved and there is a lot of work being done behind the scenes. We now have a new up to date website, leaflets to promote our club, fine tuning of administration and club information, centralising and building of the database of contacts for the different groups we support and support us. We have moved Bally Barker to online as a blog which is updated regularly. Another huge change is that most matters are now discussed at the formal Rotary meetings while Board meetings deal with administrative and financial matters and points that need to be ratified by the board. Hopefully this new format will encourage new members.

Having Fun

Sue Terry our Minister of Fun has been doing a wonderful job organising walks, coffee meets and picnics to keep members connected and fit. Check out the great photos taken on different walks.


Lindy Myers





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