3 Clubs come together via ZOOM

A very successful and interesting meeting was held with 3 clubs tonight; Balgowlah Rotary, Dee Why Warringah and Rotary Club of Condobolin.

Condobolin streamed their meeting from in a local hall, 8 Balgowlah members were at Balgowlah RSL and the remaining member/participants joined together via ZOOM. It was interesting to hear that despite Covid restrictions each club has been able to conduct or plan some worthwhile activities in coming months. The commitment and enthusiasm of all people participating was very evident and most rewarding.

It was also World Polio Day and Balgowlah club member, PP Diana Hart AM, gave a thought provoking presentation to the group on Polio, its history, the development of treatments & vaccines, and Rotary's  launch of PolioPlus in 1985. From an estimated 350,000 cases in 125 countries in 1985 to just 10 so far this year (Nigeria, Pakistan & Afghanistan); the progress of the successful eradication programs has been phenomenal. She also discussed her personal experience in India with the the teams administering the vaccine to many families and a visit a factory that manufactured the vaccine. Diana showed how the current vaccine and public health programs have been so instrumental in helping the fight against Polio and Rotary has helped to immumise more than 2.5 billion children against polio in 122 countries.

Everyone agreed it was a great meeting and well done to the organisers!



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