Letter from Oecusse

I think our members would appreciate this letter from Oecusse, Timor Leste from Judy Charnard. Many members may remember Judy talking to the club on a number of occasions. She is a member of the e-Club of Sydney and spends a great part of her time helping in East Timor with community projects. She also uses soccer to help the villages in the highlands to work together on many projects. She gets support from Epping Rotary, gives talks at schools including Mackellar, and receives assistance from Peter Fitzsimmons. The project work that Judy undertakes is available for direct donations or on the RAWCS website: 50-2011-12: Sustainable Villages Project, Oecusse, Timor-Leste. Past ADG for our cluster John Corney ( PP Epping Rotary club) took a small group of Rotarians (including me) to Oecusse a few years back. We saw the important work being done first hand and the club has supported it on occasions – especially with clean water and improved education ...