
Congratulations - Rick & the Club

The club received the following: Congratulations Rick on your club’s attainment of a Rotary Citation for 2022-23. Thank you and well done. I wish you all well for 2023-24 and hope you all have a great year. Regards, Mina Mina Howard Immediate Past District Governor Community Service Chair District 9685 Well done!!   QUIZ NIGHT - THE FIGURES ARE IN: Michael Brent sent out the following: Hi All, The numbers are in.  Firstly, thanks to Lindy, her team, David and Sally.  Secondly, thanks to all of you and your friends who attended.  Thirdly, thanks to the raffle prize donors, the raffle and Bingo ticket sellers (John and Rick).   Takings were an amazing $6,372 giving after expenses, a net result of $5,885.   A great result and a great night.   Cheers, Michael     Thanks to all , members, guests and friends supported this event!   --ooOOoo-- ALSO from Mike Greenslade, ShelterBox:   More from StreetWork:   Other info in the newslette...

Winter Quiz 2023

Name 3 countries that border Ukraine apart from Russia. What is the name of electrical resistance that is represented by the Greek letter OMEGA. Identify these capital cities from the photos. Do you think we all could answer them correctly on the night? Quizmaster David in action David Stewart-Hunter conducted another great quiz night in the main auditorium at Balgowlah RSL on Saturday evening with over 100 people attending. It was really entertaining and most enjoyable! David Stewart-Hunter: our Quizmaster for the evening Subjects ranged from Sport to Books, music and identifying personalities from photos. David was ably assisted by his partner Sally Fox and her friend Moira Payne. Sally also conducted a great set of 10 questions about Women, which was extremely popular with most tables. Sally Fox and Moira Payne The club's Annual Quiz night gives valuable funds assisting projects with local charities including LIfeline Northern Beaches, Bear Cottage and Da...

Cluster Dinner 2023

A well-attended cluster dinner (over 70 people) was held at Manly leagues club on Tuesday July 4, 2023. Members and guests from the 6 Beaches Clubs; Balgowlah, Belrose, Brookvale, Dee Why Warringah, Manly, Upper Northern Beaches together with Roteract Northern Beaches were given an inspiring address from Nick Farr-Jones AM, the former Australian rugby union footballer and Wallaby captain. The inaugural Northern Beaches Rotary cluster dinner was arranged as an opportunity for Rotarians to engage with each other and to promote the ideal of working together. Instead of club members sitting together, the tables were divvied up with Presidents on one, secretaries on another, treasurers on a third and so on for international chairs, youth, community and others. ADG John Campbell introducing the cluster presidents MC for the night was our Assistant District Governor, John Campbell (who incidentally is our District Governor Nominee). John said that...

Hats for the Homeless : OneMeal and Balgowlah Rotary

Hats for the homeless is an organisation run by Uniting volunteers, who have knitted a variety of Beenies, scarves and mittens. The Rotary club of Balgowlah is proud to join forces with One Meal Northern Beaches to distribute these wonderful hats to locals who are sleeping rough or in need.   Kim Williams volunteer One Meal, Paul Apps Balgowlah Rotary and Roger Gray President Balgowlah Rotary. Chris Lake One Meal Northern Beaches, Roger Gray President Balgowlah Rotary and Paul Apps Balgowlah Rotary Kim Williams One Meal Northern Beaches with the variety of hand knitted hats If anyone would like more information about Hats for the Homeless, please contact Susan Russell on 0439 320 347. Thanks to John O'Brien for pictures and story

Changeover 2023

Balgowlah Rotary Changeover Night. Outgoing President Rick Van Brugge summed up the work done by Balgowlah Rotary Club members in 2022-23 and welcomed in the incoming Presidents Roger Gray and Dr Diana Hart OAM. Roger will be president from July to December, Diana will be be from Jan - June 2024. Roger, Diana and Rick Rick has been Club President for the last two years and all appreciated the fine effort he has done and the great work that the club has continued to do. An info pack has been put together detailing the various activities that have been undertaken by each of the separate committees thru the course of the year under quite difficult circumstances – it talks very much to what we have achieved during the year – and I think all members should rightly feel proud of what we have collectively done   Rick welcomed members, partners and guests including our Assistant District Governor, and from StreetWork, Dalwood Spilstead, Lifeline NB and Community...