A thought - provoking presentation and our 2025 SUN RUN Marshals

PP Sue Terry gave a very interesting and well-prepared talk on Coeliac disease at our club meeting on Tuesday evening. Many of us of heard of it; but don’t fully understand its implications. Both Sue and Rick are sufferers and gave us valuable personal insights into the implications. Sue at the whiteboard Coeliac disease is the most severe gluten-related disorder . It is NOT an allergy, or “gluten intolerance”. It is an inherited autoimmune disease that affects about 1% of the population and, undiagnosed and treated, will damage the digestive system (small intestine). In Australia about 1 person in 70 suffers, and about 1 in 100 world-wide. It’s more common in white Caucasian females. It may show up in later life rather than from birth. Why? It is often thought to be triggered when a person (who has the Coeliac Gene) has had surgery, illness or pregnancy, or a major emotional event.. There are ...