
Lifeline Northern Beaches Conselling and Support for Seniors

Our guests for the meeting were the Counselling Manager of Lifeline Northern Beaches (LLNB), Barbara Stenhouse accompanied by Clinical Lead for Support Groups and Psychological Services, Jane Dartanian. They were also joined by Iresha Lehane & Yvonne Watson from the Financial Counselling team -   plus our club member Rhonda from the telephone counselling team, via ZOOM. The strong affiliation between Rotary Balgowlah and LLNB dates back many years. Audience in the RSL Balgowlah Wine Room Barbara and Jane talked about LLNB's low or no cost counselling services on offer to the community and that LLNB have grown their face-to-face counselling and support groups by over 200% in the past two years to meet the demand. Barbara and Jane outlined the trends in our community seeking support and how it's helping to reduce suicide rates on the Northern Beaches, together with the club-funded Support for Seniors program .   Left to right: Iserha Lehane (LLNB)...

North Head Walk

After heavy rain the night before, the sky was clear and the sun was shining: a perfect morning for a walk! Sue Terry, our Minister for fun who arranges and manages so many great activities for the club arranged for 8 of us to meet at 9am in the car park behind the Bella Vista café at North Head. We then walked along the Avenue of Honour – our Australian servicemen and women have been remembered, their names, service information & rank placed on a paver beautifully arranged with large stone pavers, from their battalions or areas of service.      Along the path there are information stations with information about our wars and conflicts. The stations, made from Sydney sandstone and in excellent condition. The Colonial Era station Moments like these makes one so proud to be Australian and respect the dedication and sacrifices that so many brave people have made to allow us our freedom. It is a beautifully ...

SUN RUN 2022

The meeting point at Curl Curl had 8 brave souls assemble at 5am (Yes AM).  Thankfully the rain had stopped but the roads were still wet.   Yvonne & Bev were roosted at the run start at Dee Why (any photos?)     We made our way to our allocated positions along the course and ensured that motorists didn't enter or attempt to drive along the roads. The run started at 6:15am with then wave after wave of group of runners of differing capabilities and ages all joining in the fun. Some 'runners' were really enjoying the morning! Well done to all who competed. Well done to the Marshals. Great fun in our local community! Coming Events: Sue Terry - Wildlife Vista February 11th 2022  Car Park behind Bella Vista cafe at North Head Meet 9am Formal Meeting  February 15th 2022  Balgowlah Rotary Club Meeting Balgowlah RSL Wine Room from 7pm and via Zoom Guest Speakers:  Barbara Stenhouse/Jane Dartanian - from Lifeline Dinner available in Bistro from 6 pm ...