Hats for the Homeless : OneMeal and Balgowlah Rotary

Hats for the homeless is an organisation run by Uniting volunteers, who have knitted a variety of Beenies, scarves and mittens. The Rotary club of Balgowlah is proud to join forces with One Meal Northern Beaches to distribute these wonderful hats to locals who are sleeping rough or in need. Kim Williams volunteer One Meal, Paul Apps Balgowlah Rotary and Roger Gray President Balgowlah Rotary. Chris Lake One Meal Northern Beaches, Roger Gray President Balgowlah Rotary and Paul Apps Balgowlah Rotary Kim Williams One Meal Northern Beaches with the variety of hand knitted hats If anyone would like more information about Hats for the Homeless, please contact Susan Russell on 0439 320 347. Thanks to John O'Brien for pictures and story