Turkey and Syria Aid: ShelterBox

The club had a stand at Stocklands Mall, Balgowlah on Saturday March 25 and Sunday March 26 collecting funds to provide ongoing shelter and assistance in Turkey, Syria and Ukraine. It was decided to focus on the practical and very needed aid provied by ShelterBox. The stand had a actual ShelterBox together with many images of how it provides assistance in disaster zones. Whilst the response wasn't a much as expected, the funds will sufficiently cover an additional SheleterBox to assist this worthy cause. Many thanks to all who help make it possible - both the planning and execution... How we started The final layout At our next club meeting the CEO of ShelterBox Australia, Mike Greenslade, will present via ZOOM (he lives on the far North Coast of NSW), the story of ShelterBox and th e immediate and ongoing aid given to Turkey, Syria, and Ukraine. When: Tuesday April 4 at 7pm Where: ...