
Showing posts from June, 2021

Art Therapy at Bear Cottage

Our meeting on 15 June 20 had a most interesting and inspiring speaker, Judy King. Judy is the Art therapist at Bear Cottage in Manly and explained how Bear Cottage is the only Children’s Hospice in NSW and has become the model for similar operations in Melbourne, Queensland and Western Australia.   Bear Cottage is a very special place that cares for children (aged from newborn up to 19 years) together with their families with life-limiting conditions. It is however like a home away from home – as far removed from a hospital environment as possible.       Judy explained her role as Art Therapist is a well-recognised area of helping the mental health and well-being of patients, especially tin situations where there are varying degrees of disability. It is a highly specialised branch of psychology; in addition to the art drawings, the texture and sometimes just feel of the paint or playdough is as important as the finished work or canvas. ...

Rotary 100 year promotional video

The District website has a 3 minute video of ideas for 100 years in Australia. Guess who features in one of photos? Ahh..

HAPPY 100th Birthday Rotary in Australia

HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Rotary 100 years in Australia   In 1921, four Rotary Clubs were created in Melbourne, Auckland, Wellington and Sydney. From there, Rotary and Rotaract clubs were created everywhere across Australia and NZ. Northern Beaches Council held a reception for local Rotary Clubs to mark 100 years of Rotary’s Service in Australia. Rotarians from all local clubs; Balgowlah, Belrose, Brookvale, Dee Why Warringah, Frenchs Forest, Manly and Upper Northern Beaches attended, as well as Rotaract representative Sam Wilkins, councillors and representatives from local groups who have been supported by Rotary.     Mayor, Michael Regan “Rotarians work together to take action to create lasting change across the globe, in their communities and in their lives. I thank you for everything you do, for your service above self and for instilling that into the whole community,” said Mayor Michael Regan.   “Your values, morals and influence on our com...

Stroke prevention; Services Presentation & Future Events

Our guest speaker, Graeme Cocks, a volunteer from the Stroke Foundation gave a somewhat hard-hitting talk about stroke. The Stroke Foundation is a national charity that partners with the community to prevent, treat and beat stroke.  Graeme explaining that despite being very fit, he had a stroke two years ago   Each year nearly 28 thousand people in Australia suffer a stroke; 73% of these being first-ever strokes and 15% of the population are in the danger zone. Stroke is the third most common cause of death in Australia. Stroke is not a disease of the older generation; a third of stroke survivors in Australia are under the age of 65.   Graeme outlined that 80% of strokes are preventable and the major risk is high blood pressure. High blood pressure often has no symptoms, so regular check up of blood pressure is very important. High cholesterol, diabetes and common heart disorders can also increase risk and treatment and medication should be taken to reduce it. Smoking and...